The Plot Arrangement and its Literary Meaning
in Eugenie Grandet
By Song Xueying
In partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the B.A. degree
Department of English
School of Languages and Cultures
Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology
June, 2017
I fulfill this thesis as an undergraduate student in Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology. I have benefited a lot during the past four years in both study and life. Hereby, I would like to express my appreciation to all the people who have helped and encouraged me a lot.
First of all, I have eternal gratitude to Professor Zhang Jun, my tutor, Thanks for his inestimable help and patient instruction he bestowed upon me. I am deeply influenced by his specialized knowledge and rigorous attitude. Also, I have gratitude to the teachers at the Department of English for their insightful lectures, which inspires me to compose this paper.
Lastly, I owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and beloved family for their selfless love and support during the difficult course of the thesis.
Abstract: 1
摘要: 2
Chapter One. Introduction 3
1.1 The writing background 3
1.2 A brief analysis of the characters in the novel 3
1.2.1. Eugenie Grandet 3
1.2.2. Pere Grandet 4
Chapter Two. The analysis of the plot Arrangement 5
2.1The daughter’s birthday party 5
2.2The detailed actions of arranging a room for Charles 5
2.3 The Swearing between the lovers 6
2.4.1 The plot of robbing of the dressing box 7
2.4.2 Cheating his daughter to renounce of a succession 8
2.5 The betrayal of Charles 8
2.6 The rest of the wealthy woman’s life 9
Chapter Three Functions of the plot Arrangement 11
3.1 Promoting the plot development. 11
3.2 Characterizing characters and revealing the theme of the novel. 11
Chapter Four. The Literary Meaning in this novel 13
4.1 Money influencing the domestic affection 13
4.2 Reflecting the low status of women under the materialistic age 13
4.3 The importance of education 14
Chapter Five. Conclusion 15
References 16
The Plot Arrangement and its Literary Meaning
In Eugenie Grandet
Song Xueying
Department of English
School of Languages and Cultures
Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology, Nanjing 210044
Abstract: Eugenie Grandet is one of the best pictures of The Human Comedy written by the French critical realistic novelist Balzac. The novel revolves around the heroine's love tragedy, involving the ups and downs created by the domestic tyranny in the Grandet’s family, the infighting between the banker and the notary outside the family, love between the Charles and Eugenie, who in the end suffered from Charles’ treachery, these three intertwined episodes of clues consist of this novel. The great success of this book in the history of literature lies in its special plot setting techniques and the literary connotation that profoundly reflects the social situation at that time.
This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter starts with the background of the novel and features of the characters, and makes the preparatory work well for the next plot analysis; the second chapter analyzes the main characteristics and methodological theories in the six plots; the third chapter probes into the functions of the plot developing, charactering protagonists and the theme of the novel; the fourth chapter is about the literary connotation of Eugenie Grandet; the fifth chapter is a summary of the article.
Key Words: Eugenie Grandet; Plot arrangement; Literary meaning
Chapter One. Introduction
1.1 The writing background
French capitalist revolution which took place in 1789 not only overturned Bourdon Dynasty, but also it mopped up the feudal order of European countries. The first half of the nineteenth century was the beginning of the establishment of French capitalism. Napoleon was defeated in the battle of Waterloo completely in 1815, and thus the Bourbon dynasty had a restoration, whose rule continued to 1830. As the reactionary policy of Charles X provoked the people, the July revolution only tore down the restoration dynasty in three days, and then began the 18-year reign of the July dynasty. The American thinks: “the July dynasty is the most powerful among the European countries, but it is also regarded as the rotted and tyrannical dynasty.”(Wang, 1996:77) So it is reasonable that the reign never lasted so long.
Eugenie Grandet was published in 1833, which was within the early period of the July dynasty. In the restoration period, although the nobility returned from abroad to France, their actual status could not be the same as they were in the era of French Revolution, because the bourgeoisie has been strong. Louis XVIII, who had just come to power, had to enact a new constitution to carry out the constitutional monarchy, making concessions to the bourgeoisie in order to maintain the shaky regime. Although the bourgeoisie has lost political power, they can still contend against the aristocracy by their strength of the economy. In the restoration of the late dynasty, the bourgeoisie not only in the city, but also in the aristocracy maintained a wide range of rural areas. So the restoration dynasty has actually gone. Balzac was keener than his contemporary writers, observing this major social phenomenon and writing it into the novel in a unique way.