
 2022-01-18 00:04:39

Interlanguage Fossilization in English Learning

By Feng Chen

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the B. A. degree

Department of English

College of Liberal Arts

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

June, 2018


First and foremost, I would like to express my thanks to my adviser, Professor Wang Hui, for her patient guidance and valuable suggestions throughout this project. Without her patience, responsibility, discernment and encourage, this project could not be completed perfectly.

Additionally, I would like to thank many teachers who have taught and guided me in this project in Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology. I am also thankful to all other staff members of Institute and all my classmates who give me the helpful advice concerning the project.

Last but not the least, I would like to express the deep sense of gratitude to my parents for their inspiration and encouragement for me, whose support is most admirable gift in my life.


1. Introduction 2

2. Definitions of interlanguage fossilization 2

3. Literature review 3

3.1 Researches on interlanguage fossilization abroad 4

3.2 Researches on interlanguage fossilization in China 4

4. The classification of interlanguage fossilization 5

5. The causes of interlanguage fossilization 6

5.1 Language transfer 6

5.2 Cultural interference 7

5.3 Learning motivation 7

5.4 Inappropriate English teaching 8

6. Four measures for interlanguage fossilization reduction 8

6.1 Enhancing learners' learning motivation 8

6.2 Reducing the interference of the first language 8

6.3 The correct uses of learning strategies 9

6.4 Strengthening the understanding of target language culture 9

7. Conclusion 10

References 11

Interlanguage Fossilization in English Learning

Feng Chen

Department of English

College of Liberal Arts

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: Interlanguage fossilization has become a hot topic in the field of second language acquisition since its concept was proposed. However, researchers have different views on the nature, scope and degree of fossilization phenomenon. While different ways of understanding this phenomenon from researchers have enriched the theoretical content of fossilization study, it has also troubled researchers for the in-depth study. This paper first introduces the definition of interlanguage fossilization and distinguishes different types of fossilization. Then based on an analysis of the causes of fossilization phenomenon, this paper puts forward some solutions for avoiding interlanguage fossilization. It is hoped that the results of this paper can help English learners to grasp the best period of English learning, avoid or overcome fossilization phenomenon and improve to a large extent the actual effect of English learning and ability of language use.

Key words: interlanguage, fossilization, SLA, casual factors, strategy




In the process of English learning, learners' language is in a dynamic state of development and change, and it reflects cognitive mechanism. Selinker (1972) called this kind of language learning as interlanguage, which was between first language and target language. He believed that it was the fundamental problem of second language acquisition as well as the impetus for the study of second language acquisition. With the gradual progress of language acquisition, interlanguage will get closer to target language. However, when the learners’ command of English reaches a certain degree, some characteristics of transitional language, such as grammar, semantics and phonetics, tend to stagnate, which is so difficult or even impossible for learners to eliminate so that it finally forms language fossilization. Similarly, no matter how much target language’s interpretation and instruction people can obtain, language fossilization will continue to happen at different ages. Therefore, fossilization has been an obstacle for many language learners.

The phenomenon of interlanguage fossilization occurs at any stage of second language learning, which hinders the further improvement of second language ability. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the phenomenon, analyze the causes of this phenomenon and find out the corresponding solutions to delay or break through the fossilization for second language learning, which will have great guidance for the study and teaching of second language.

The intrinsic factor of English learner is the direct cause of language fossilization. If learners do not positively foster their ability, some characteristics of transitional language are easily fossilized. Therefore, if the learner is able to receive good guidance in the process of learning or to be aware of the possible emergence of a rigid language point, and thus consciously prevent some language fossilization, some fossilization phenomenon can be avoided to a certain extent. According to the actual situation of Chinese English learners, this paper will analyze the possible causes of language fossilization from several aspects of the formation and development of interlanguage and find out the countermeasures to avoid this phenomenon.

Definitions of fossilization

Selinker (1972) first put forward the concept of "fossilization", which was also called language fossilization. This phenomenon occurs in the use of interlanguage. Interlanguage is a dynamic language system between first language and target language, which is different from first language and gradually approaches the target language. The researchers find that language learners are not capable of mastering the knowledge of the target language correctly in the process of using interlanguage, and they often make some mistakes which cannot be corrected. Therefore, the concept of "fossilization" is put forward.


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