
 2022-01-18 00:04:47

An Analysis of Translation of Brand Names from the Perspective of Cognitive Metaphor

By Yuan Fangqi

Department of English

School of Liberal Arts

Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

May 2018


I would like to express my thanks to those who have helped me with my thesis. First of all, I must thank Dr. Zhang Houzhen for being my supervisor. His support and guidance made all the differences in this process. He gave me constructive suggestions and helped me go through all the difficulties in writing this thesis. Without his guidance and encouragement, I would not have completed this thesis. Last but not the least; I want to show my appreciation for all the support and help from my friends and classmates. They gave me useful advice and suggestions before I decided on this topic.


Abstract - 1 -

1. Introduction - 2 -

1.1 Research Background - 2 -

1.2Purpose and Significance - 2 -

1.3 Organization - 3 -

2.Development of Cognitive Metaphor - 3 -

2.1 Theory of Aristotle - 3 -

2.2Theory of Quiltilian - 4 -

2.3 Theory of Richards - 4 -

2.4 Theory of Lakoff - 5 -

2.5 Study on Metaphor in China -5-

3. Application of Cognitive Metaphor in Translation - 6 -

4.Conceptual Metaphor - 7 -

5. Translation Strategy according to Cognitive Metaphor - 7 -

5.1 Homophonic Strategy - 7 -

5.2 Transliteration Strategy - 7 -

5.3 Literal Translation - 8 -

5.4 Translation of Creation - 8 -

6. Problems of Brand Name Translation in China - 10 -

6.1 Negative Meaning in Translated Names - 10 -

6.2 Bad Association of Translated Brand Names - 11 -

6.3 Political Association of Metaphor - 12 -

7. Some Other Advises on Translation of Brand Names - 12 -

7.1 Equality on Meanings - 13 -

7.2 Compensation of Meaning - 14 -

8. Conclusion - 15 -

An Analysis of Translation of Brand Names from the Perspective of Cognitive Metaphor

Yuan Fangqi

Department of English

School of Liberal Arts

Nanjing University of Information Science amp; Technology

Abstract: A brand name is becoming an increasingly important factor to attract potential consumers and custom groups in the process of economic globalization. Excellent brand names can attract not only customers and their trust but the attention to their original culture and spirit as well. Thus, the translation of brand names appears to be very decisive. Nowadays, it proves that the thought of cognitive metaphor matters a lot on the translation of brand names with a purpose to extend foreign market.

This paper makes an analysis of the translation of brand names from the perspective of conceptual metaphor. Taking both the structure and consistency of metaphor into consideration, I make an analysis on the pros and cons of translation of different brand names. Also, I will demonstrate the rationality and feasibility of combining conceptual metaphor theory and translation strategy. This thesis will also give some advice to the corporations which need translation of their brand names and translators who are faced with this kind of work.

Key words: conceptual metaphor; brand names; translation strategies





1.1 Research Background

At this increasingly globalized world, lots of brand names need to be translated into other languages. Brand names are symbols of a corporation, and it also has the function of differentiation, which plays an important role in attracting consumers’ attention. Thus, the translation of brand names is not a simple transaction between source language and target language. It is a process of creation, which requires clear understanding of source language.

1.2 Purpose and Significance


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