目 录
1 引言 6
1.1 选题的意义与背景 6
1.2 国内外现状 6
2 激光雷达理论基础 7
2.1 激光雷达的工作原理 7
2.2 激光雷达系统噪声 8
2.2.1 背景噪声 8
2.2.2 探测器噪声 8
2.2.3 信噪比 9
3 EMD基本理论 9
3.1基础概念 9
3.1.1 解析信号及其构建目的 9
3.1.2 瞬时频率 9
3.1.3 本征模态函数(IMF) 10
3.2 EMD算法的应用 10
3.3 EMD去噪方法及原理 11
3.3.1 EMD分解过程 11
3.3.2 EMD时间尺度去噪原理 12
3.3.3 EMD阈值去噪原理 12
4 激光雷达回波信号去噪方法研究 13
4.1 激光雷达回波信号仿真模型的建立 13
4.1.1 激光雷达方程 13
4.1.2 噪声模拟分析以及加噪回波信号仿真 14
4.2 EMD去噪实验 14
4.2.1 去噪判定标准 14
4.2.2 EMD分解信号 15
4.2.3 相关分量的选取 16
4.2.4 EMD去噪 16
4.2.5 不同噪声条件下去噪效果比较 18
4.2.6 总结 19
5 结论 20
参考文献 20
致谢 23
Abstract: The development of laser radar is inseparable from photoelectric radiation detection and electromagnetic radar technology. The former and the latter are the preconditions for laser radar launch and reception, and the development of the whole machine technology. The laser beam has the advantages of small divergence angle, energy concentration, high detection sensitivity and high resolution, so the laser radar has a high angular resolution and strong anti-interference ability and better concealment. However, in practical applications, there is often a lot of background noise and noise in the circuit system mixed in the laser radar echo signal received by the photodetector. Since the signal strength will be attenuated with the square of the distance, the greater the detection distance, the weaker the signal strength and the more likely the signal will be submerged in all types of noise. Therefore, it is imperative to effectively extract useful signals from various types of noise. The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) can decompose various types of signals. Therefore, when using this method to deal with non-stationary and nonlinear data, it has very obvious advantages. A lot of practice shows that this method can be used to analyze nonlinear and non-stationary sequences. In this dissertation, aiming at the characteristics of noise in laser radar echo signals, the EMD method is used to remove the noise contained in the laser radar echo signals. The method uses EMD to decompose the lidar echo signal into multiple linear, steady-state intrinsic eigenmode functions and a trend term, and removes the noise by removing high-frequency modal components, reconstructing residual components and trend terms.In this paper, the traditional EMD denoising method, EMD hard threshold denoising method and EMD soft threshold denoising method are compared experimentally. The experimental results show that the soft threshold denoising method in the EMD threshold denoising method is smoother than the denoised signal. The signals are most similar, and the denoising effect is best in the three denoising methods studied in this paper.
Keywords: Lidar; Empirical mode decomposition; Denoising
1 引言