目 录
1 引言 1
2 BM3D算法及其SAR图像去噪算法 3
2.1 BM3D 3
2.1.1 BM3D算法思想..........................................................................................................3
2.1.2 BM3D算法原理..........................................................................................................3
2.2 适应SAR图像去斑的BM3D 5
3 SAR去噪改进算法 6
3.1 块相似性度量 6
3.2 群组收缩 7
3.3 聚合 10
4 快速自适应SAR去噪声(FANS)算法 10
4.1 FANS算法介绍 11
4.2 FANS算法的改动 11
5 实验结果 13
5.1 图像质量评价方法 13
5.2基于BM3D的SAR图像去噪算法结果 13
6 结论和展望 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22
Abstract: With the rapid development of times, the information technology is constantly improving, and the image is getting a lot of attentions because of its convenience and information. Due to the influence of external and internal factors, the collected images not only contain the information that people want, but also contain some noises. Therefore, image denoising technology becomes one main research topic. In many cases, image denoising is the key to the processing of the problem, such as high-speed imaging and radar imaging. Many denoising techniques are developed, and most of them aim at the additive white gaussian noise model, in addition, some are designed for the multiplicative noise model. However, there are few denoising techniques for different types of noise. This paper deals with the above-stated issue.
Combining wavelet transform theory with non-local thought, a despeckle methodfor SAR image is proposed. This method is based onBM3D theory for additive gaussian white noise. Due to the particularity of SAR image, some steps of the original BM3D algorithm are modified. The process of block matching probability similarity measure is applied, and wavelet transformfor additive noise signal related model is used. Thus an optimal local linear minimum mean square error estimate is obtained, and the improvements of SAR image denoisingcan be better.Compared with several advanced methods, the proposed method has better results in both signal-to-noise ratio and perceived image quality.
Key words:Wiener filtering;synthetic aperture radar (SAR); despeckle; nonlocal filtering;
1 引言