目 录
1绪论 1
1.1选题的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究内容 2
2 雷达测角方法 2
2.1 雷达测角基本原理 2
2.1.1 相位测角法 3
2.1.2 振幅测角法 4
2.2几种常规雷达测角方法 6
2.2.1 最大信号法 6
2.2.2 单脉冲测角 7
2.3 本章小结 8
3 空间谱估计基础与MUSIC算法 8
3.1 空间谱估计假设条件 8
3.2 空间谱估计数学模型 9
3.3 空间谱估计基础 12
3.4 本章小结 14
4 经典MUSIC算法及其仿真实现 14
4.1 基本原理 14
4.2 仿真实现 16
4.3 测角精度仿真分析 18
4.3.1 经典MUSIC算法测角精度与阵元数大小之间的关系 18
4.3.2 经典MUSIC算法测角精度与阵元间距之间的关系 18
4.3.3 经典MUSIC算法测角精度与信噪比SNR之间的关系 19
4.3.4 经典MUSIC算法测角精度与采样点数大小之间的关系 20
4.3.5 经典MUSIC算法测角精度与信号源数目之间的关系 21
4.3.6 经典MUSIC算法测角精度与信号源入射角度相互距离之间的关系 22
4.4 本章小结 23
5 求根MUSIC算法及其仿真实现 24
5.1 基本原理 24
5.2 仿真分析 25
5.2.1 两种算法在测角精度上与采样点数之间的关系 25
5.2.2 两种算法在测角精度上与信噪比之间的关系 26
5.2.3 两种算法在测角精度上与阵元数之间的关系 26
5.2.4 两种算法在测角精度上与阵元间距之间的关系 27
5.3 本章小结 28
总结与展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30
Abstract:Target azimuth information is one of the important parameters to be acquired in radar detection. In this paper, several commonly used methods of radar azimuth detection are analyzed. Among them, single pulse angle measurement is not only superior in performance, simple and reliable, but also with high data rate and strong anti-jamming ability. It can also distinguish the angle between target and beam axis deviation. It is effective in the field of automatic angle measurement. The maximum signal method is also simple to detect and detect targets, but the measurement accuracy is not high. Aiming at the problem of measurement accuracy, this paper will try to use MUSIC algorithm to analyze and calculate the target azimuth. The MUSIC algorithm uses the eigenvalue decomposition of the data covariance matrix of the reflected signal to obtain the orthogonal signal subspace and noise subspace, and estimates the signal parameters through its orthogonality, and finally uses the spectral estimation equation to determine the direction of the target. After the simulation analysis, the results show that the amount of array elements, improve SNR, the cumulative number of sampling points and the distance between the array elements are kept within the 1/2 wavelength while the distance between the incident angles is properly increased, which can effectively improve the angle measurement resolution of the MUSIC algorithm, so that it can be used in the angle measurement of high frequency accuracy. Good performance.In addition, an improved MUSIC algorithm for root searching of MUSIC algorithm is proposed. Through simulation analysis, it is determined that its computation amount is smaller than that of MUSIC algorithm, but its angle measurement accuracy is better.
Key words:Radar angle measurement;MUSIC algorithm;Super-resolution algorithm;root-MUSIC algorithm