目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
2 研究方法 2
2.1 数据来源 2
2.2 数据处理 2
2.3 数据分析方法 3
3 不同地区湿沉降年际变化趋势 3
3.1 SO42-、NO3-、NH4 、Ca2 量和pH值年际时空分布 3
3.1.1 SO42-沉降量年际变化趋势 3
3.1.2 NO3-沉降量年际变化趋势 4
3.1.3 NH4 沉降量年际变化趋势 5
3.1.4 Ca2 沉降量的年际变化 6
3.1.5 pH值年际变化趋势 7
3.2 SO42-、NO3-、NH4 、Ca2 沉降量分季节的年际时空分布 8
3.2.1 SO42-沉降量分季节的年际时空分布 8
3.2.2 NO3-沉降量分季节的年际时空分布 8
3.2.3 NH4 沉降量分季节的年际时空分布 9
3.2.4 Ca2 沉降量分季节的年际时空分布 9
3.3 SO42-、NO3-、NH4 、Ca2 沉降量与pH值的关系 10
4 不同地区湿沉降月际变化趋势 11
4.1 SO42-、NO3-、NH4 、Ca2 量和pH值月际变化特征 11
4.1.1 SO42-、NO3-、NH4 、Ca2 月沉降值变化趋势 11
4.1.2 月pH值变化趋势 12
4.2 SO42-、NO3-、NH4 、Ca2 量和降水量月际变化特征 12
5 不同地区湿沉降量对生态的影响 14
5.1 不同城市水域生态系统中SO42-、NO3-、NH4 和Ca2 浓度差异 14
5.2 不同城市水域生态系统中pH值差异 15
6 结论 15
7 讨论 16
参考文献 16
致谢 18
Abstract:With the air pollution more and more serious in china, a growing number of air pollutants reach the ground, resulting in a series of ecological problems including soil acidification, water quality deterioration and forest degradation.SO42-、NO3-、NH4 and Ca2 wet deposition, pH value and inland water environment data in Chongqing, Xi'an, Xiamen and Zhuhai in 2001-2015 from Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia(EANET) were used in this paper, And analyzed the change characteristics. The data analysis shows that A decline in SO42- wet deposition in Chongqing may influenced by SO42- wet deposition in summer . A significant increase in NO3- wet deposition in Chongqing was mainly affected by NO3- wet deposition in autumn and winter. A significant decline in Ca2 wet deposition in Chongqing was mainly affected by Ca2 wet deposition in autumn and winter. A significant decline in SO42- wet deposition in Xi'an was affected by SO42- wet deposition all the Year Round. A significant decline in Ca2 wet deposition in Xi'an was affected by Ca2 wet deposition in summer. A significant decline in SO42- wet deposition in Zhuhai was affected by SO42- wet deposition in summer and winter. A significant decline in NH4 wet deposition in Zhuhai was affected by NH4 wet deposition in summer. A significant decline in SO42- wet deposition in Xiamen was affected by SO42- wet deposition in spring and autumn. A significant decline in NH4 wet deposition in Zhuhai was affected by NH4 wet deposition in spring, autumn and winter. The pH value of precipitation in Chongqing is strongly correlated with the ratio of (NH4 Ca2 ) / (SO42- NO3-), and the pH value of precipitation in Xi'an, Xiamen and Zhuhai is mainly affected by other factors. In addition to the wet deposition, The SO42-, NO3-, and Ca2 concentrations in the water ecosystem are also related to the stability of the ecosystem.
Key words: Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia ;wet deposition;spearman rank correlation;ecological effects
- 绪论
- 研究背景
地球大气是人类生活的重要环境部分,是一个复杂的多相化学体系。地球大气包含99%比例的N2和O2 ,以及少量CO2、H2O 、O3和惰性气体等。除此之外,地球大气还含有各种微量成分:各种有机和无机化合物气体,含量极低的自由基,固态和液态悬浮颗粒物。这些物质的来源可分为自然源和人为源,包括土壤、海洋、生物、物质燃烧、火山喷发、人类生产生活和一些突发的事件。