
 2022-01-20 00:14:26


目 录



第一章 绪论...............................................................1

1.1 研究背景与意义......................................................1

1.2 国内外研究进展及不足................................................1

1.2.1 国内外研究进展................................................1

1.2.2 国内外研究的不足..............................................2


1.3.1 研究内容......................................................2

1.3.2 研究目的......................................................3

第二章 数值模拟试验设.................................................3

2.1 同化资料介绍........................................................3

2.2 模拟方案及参数化选择................................................3

2.3 同化试验设计........................................................5

2.3.1 嵌套区域设计以及模拟时段.......................................5

2.3.2 站点验证信息...................................................5

第三章 WRF未同化与同化模拟试验的风场特征比较与评估.........6

3.1 不同资料的风速特征比较与评估.......................................6

3.1.1 4月不同资料在不同站点的风速特征比较与评估.....................6

3.1.2 7月不同资料在不同站点的风速特征比较与评估.....................7

3.2 不同资料的风向特征比较与评估.......................................9

3.2.1 4月不同资料在不同站点的风向特征比较与评估.....................9

3.2.2 7月不同资料在不同站点的风向特征比较与评估.....................9

3.3 结论与讨论.........................................................10

3.4 增量场分析.........................................................11

第四章 江苏近海风场特征分析.........................................11

4.1 风速空间分布特征...................................................11

4.2 平均风功率密度特征.................................................12

4.3 有效风功率密度特征.................................................12

4.4 结论与讨论.........................................................13

第五章 结论与展望......................................................13

5.1 主要结论............................................................13

5.2 展望................................................................13





Abstract: Wind energy resource is a kind of clean and renewable resource, and wind power generation is also the focus of the future energy structure in China. In this paper, a three-dimensional variational assimilation system based on WRF mode is selected, and the optimal simulation scheme is obtained by comparing the simulation results of control experiment (without assimilating any data) and the assimilation of QuikSCAT and WindSat satellite data in April and July , in 2008. Wind energy resources in the eastern coastal area of Jiangsu are evaluated by calculating the wind energy parameters. It provides a favorable basis for assessment of offshore wind energy resources. The results are as follows: in terms of simulation results, weather type and the underlying surface and other factors will affect the simulation results, the disastrous weather and island topography will make the existence of deviation between the simulated and measured; in terms of simulation contrast, by assimilation of Quiksact data and Windsat data, the deviation between simulated and measured data can be reduced. And the assimilation of Quiksact data is better than the simulation results of Windsat data assimilation. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of Jiangsu offshore wind field are analyzed by selecting the optimal assimilation scheme Quiksact assimilation scheme: Wind energy resources in April is richer than in July, sea wind resources is richer than land , wind energy resources along the coastal areas is richer than inland , the island surface is the most abundant area in the land area. Overall, the Jiangsu offshore wind energy resources are rich and can be developed and utilized. It verifies the reliability of the simulation results of these two kinds of data in these areas and analyzes the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of offshore wind field in Jiangsu, which are of great significance to the reasonable application of information and the application of satellite data in the future.

Key words: WRF simulation; data assimilation; QuikSCAT; WindSat; wind energy resource

  1. 绪论




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