目 录
一 引言 ………………………………………………………………………………………3
二 资料简介与方案 ………………………………………………………………………4
(一)数据介绍 ……………………………………………………………………………4
1 ERA-Interim再分析资料 ……………………………………………………………4
2 ISCCP云产品 ………………………………………………………………………4
3 中国自动站观测降水资料 …………………………………………………………5
- 模式试验设计 ………………………………………………………………………6
三 结果和结论 ……………………………………………………………………………6
3.1 环流场与温度场检验 ……………………………………………………………6
3.2 水汽输送与降水 …………………………………………………………………11
3.3 云特征量的分析 …………………………………………………………………13
四 讨论 ………………………………………………………………………………………20
4.1区域模式的不确定性 …………………………………………………………………18
4.2优势与不足 ……………………………………………………………………………19
参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………………19
致谢 ……………………………………………………………………………………………20
Abstract:The radiation effect of clouds affects the balance of ground-gas energy,and the development of clouds is of great significance to the formation of precipitation. Therefore, the numerical simulation of clouds is an important part of numerical simulation of climate, especially precipitation simulation. The radiation effects of clouds and the formation of precipitation are related to the physical variables of cloud water content, cloud top temperature, optical thickness, and cloudiness. Due to the lack of means of observation, observing stations can only observe cloudiness and cloud heights by hand, and people lack understanding of the micro-physical variables of clouds. With the development of satellite inversion techniques, cloud micro-physical variables can be obtained from satellite data, and the cloud can be explored. The correlation between micro-physical variables and climate processes provides the basis for improving numerical simulation performance. This article selects the regional model data of RegCM4.6 in Eastern Asia from March ,2000 to February, 2001, to compare the temperature and circulation with ERA-Interim reanalysis data, contrast water vapor transport, and compare precipitation data with national observation stations. The rain belt center and precipitation range have verified that the uncertainty of the dynamic framework and physical process parameterization scheme of the regional model is small, and the regional model will not cause large deviations from the simulation of the characteristic physical variable of the cloud. Based on the ISCCP product, the simulation of the characteristic variable of the cloud based on the RegCM4.6 regional model is not well-performed. The deviation of the cloud extremum and the range of cloud distribution between the ISCCP result and RegCM4.6 is large.Combined with the temperature and the circulation,the analysis of water vapor transport and precipitation reflects that the simulation model of the cloud characteristics of East Asia in the RegCM4.6 regional model needs to be further improved, especially the water vapor parameters and vertical transport process.
Key words:Regional model;Reanalysis data;Water vapor transport;Cloudiness;Cloud liquid water path
云是由悬浮在空气中的水滴和冰晶组成的可见集合体,不同天气形势下有不同的外观和物理性质,其分布受海陆分布、地形、下垫面类型、大气垂直环流等因素影响,在时间和空间分布上具有多样性。其宏观特征,包括云高、云量等,以及其微观特征包括云水含量、云粒子半径等,这些物理量的分布和变化与云的外观、相态密切相关,也是云光学特性的整体表现[12]。云微物理量是用于描述云内的各种不同粒径的液相或固相粒子的物理量,其中最常用到的是云水含量(1iquid water content,简称LWC)、云冰含量(ice water content,简称IWC),它们的大气整层积分分别为液水路径(1iquid water path,简称LWP)和冰水路径(ice water path,简称IWP),二者之和称为云水路径(cloud water path,简称CWP),也是常用的云特征量,此外还有雨水含量(precipitation water content),降冰含量(precipitation ice content)等[17]。云的辐射特性强烈依赖于水凝物含量(Taylor et a1.,1992;Shupe et a1.,2004)。有研究指出,基于ISCCP产品九种云型,指出层云和雨层云多表现为反射太阳辐射,深对流云反射太阳辐射与吸收长波辐射能力相当,卷云净辐射强迫为正,得出局部的主要云型和云量特征决定当地辐射收支的结论(Poetzsch-Heffter et al.1995)。云的类型及云含水量的时空演变特征影响着降水的强度和持续性。李昀英等(2015)利用1998—2007年卫星-台站融合降水资料和国际卫星云气候计划的卫星观测云资料,评估和改进模式中不同类型云与降水的对应关系,指出对流云带与降水带具有较一致的移动特征[19]
孙国荣等(2016)运用不同分辨率BCC_AGCM模式对东亚区域垂直云量的进行模拟,指出模式对中国东部环流场的模拟效果差导致模拟的云量偏少[16]。何晓彤(2017)指出通过改进GRAPES云量方案,可以使高云以及总云量的模拟与实况更加吻合[13]。因此模式的改进参数化方案对云量的模拟性能优化有重要作用。近年来有学者指出,运用气候数值模式描述云水路径存在极大不确定性。Li et al(2008)和Waliser et al(2009)分别分析20C3M(20世纪试验)情景下IPCC AR4的16个气候模式模拟液水路径和冰水路径的年平均值,模拟结果显示不同模式之间的差异极大,有的模拟结果差异多达5倍,他们认为这是由缺少高质量的观测资料或可靠的再分析资料对模式参数化方案的评估检验引起的[12]。相对于有丰富的观测资料对其进行约束的气候模式,在模拟全球性的平均降水量、平均可降水以及平均云量等物理量方面,模拟结果较优(Waliser et al,2009),这也充分说明了模式的评估检验过程对数值模式的重要性。因此基于观测资料或再分析资料对模式水凝物的模拟结果进行评估,是改进数值模式的部分物理参数化方案、优化模式模拟结果的准确性的重要过程。