
 2022-01-20 00:17:37


目 录

1引言 5

2 雷达观测原理介绍 5

3 雷达数据与研究方法 5

4 结果与讨论 7

4.1 水平剖面的极化冰雹信号 7

4.1.1巨型冰雹 7

4.1.2大型冰雹 8

4.2垂直剖面中的冰雹特征 9

4.3 不同冰雹大小的极化雷达参量的垂直廓线 10

5 结论 12

参考文献 14

致谢 15



Abstract: This study mainly compares and analyzes the observation results of C-band and S-band weather radars for the same strong convective weather. Because the domestic C-band and S-band have less data for the same strong convective weather, the study cited foreign relevant meteorological data for mapping and data analysis. The study was aimed at a severe hail event in Oklahoma, USA. The study was conducted by analyzing the data collected by two polar-weather radars located in the S and C bands at the same time. The polarization radar variable measured in the presence of hail in the C-band is significantly different from the polarization variable in the S-band because the resonance scattering effect is more pronounced and the attenuation effect is greater. This difference is particularly strong when melting hailstones below the freezing point, but even at higher altitudes where the hail is dry or growing in wet areas, they can be quite large. Therefore, algorithms that detect and determine the size of hail in the S-band cannot be directly applied to the C-band. The differences in the vertical distribution of the radar reflectivity Z, the differential reflectivity ZDR, and the correlation number ρhv have been studied. It shows that in the presence of hail, ZDR(C) is generally higher than ZDR(S) .In polarized hail detection/measurement, the height of the radar resolution relative to the freezing point level must be taken into account. This also indicates that the giant hailstone is usually associated with the apparent depression of ρhv in the hail occurrence area above the freezing level, while the corresponding decrease in the C-band ρhv is much larger than the S-band.

Keywords: S-band radar; C-band radar; hail; echo intensity;


冰雹灾害是强对流天气系统造成的严重气象灾害。 它通常能够对自然和人类社会造成非常严重的破坏,并且常伴有阵风和恶劣的天气过程,如强风,强降水和急速降温。雹暴主要发生在中纬度的大陆地区,通常比沿海地区的平原多,内陆多。中国的冰雹多发生在春,夏,秋季,约占四,七月份总冰雹的70%。 甘肃省西部,甘肃省,阴山山脉,太行山区,川渝县等是较为严重的抗灾区。 中国是冰雹灾害频发的国家。因此,我们有必要了解冰雹的危害,以更好地预防冰雹灾害,减少经济损失。近年来,各地为了及时、准确地监测冰雹云发展,为防雹作业提供预警、预报, 纷纷采用了卫星观测,天气雷达等多种手段对冰雹云进行监测识别,使防灾作业取得了一定成效。



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