
 2022-01-20 00:17:38


目 录

1. 引言 4

1.1 大气分层结构: 4

1.2 中高层大气中瑰丽的自然现象 6

1.3 中高层大气两半球间动力耦合的原理 7

2. 数据来源及介绍 8

2.1 AIM卫星 8

2.2 太阳掩星冰云探测实验仪(SOFIE) 8

2.3 ECMWF再分析数据 9

3. 夜光云出现频率及纬向风场扰动量的提取 10

3.1 2007年南半球夜光云的出现频率 10

3.2 Hodrick-Prescott滤波(HP滤波) 11

3.3 夜光云出现频率和纬向风场扰动量的提取 13

4. 对夜光云出现频率与纬向风场扰动量间关系的分析 15

4.1 夜光云出现频率滞后天数的计算过程 15

4.2 夜光云出现频率滞后天数的整体分布 18

4.3 夜光云出现频率滞后天数与夜光云高度的关系 19

4.4 影响机理的推测 20

5. 结论 21

参考文献: 22



陆 琛

, China

Abstract: Using the SOFIE data carried by AIM satellite and the ECWMF data of the European Climate Forecast Center, this paper contrasts the disturbance of the stratospheric wind field in the 2007-2008 Northern Hemisphere and the occurrence frequency of night light cloud in the southern hemisphere, and uses the IDL matching the highest correlation coefficient for a period of 20 days for calculating the delay time between the disturbance of the stratospheric wind field and the occurrence frequency of night light cloud. After reconfiguring of the wind field with the calculated delay time, it is found that the disturbance of the stratosphere wind field in the northern hemisphere has a great positive correlation with the frequency of the occurrence of the night light cloud in the southern hemisphere. The correlation coefficient of most time periods is above 0.7, and some time is even up to 0.9. Thus, the coupling between hemispheres is particularly evident in the seasonal noctilucent clouds. Comparing the delay time with the altitude of the Noctiluca cloud, it is found that there is an inverse correlation between the two. The altitude higher, the signal needs to travel longer, that is, the number of lagging days is greater. It is inferred that the observed time delay varies with the season, because the clouds have different heights in different periods, but the lag at the fixed height is relatively constant

Key words:Polar mesospheric clouds, stratosphere, wind field, disturbance

1. 引言

1.1 大气分层结构:

自地球表面向上,空气随着高度增加而变稀薄。大气上界能达到2000~3000km的高度。垂直方向上,大气的物理性质有明显的差异。根据大气扰动程度、电离现象、气温的垂直分布等特性,一般将大气分为五层即对流层、平流层 、中间层 、热层和外层。接近地面、对流运动最显著的区域为对流层,其上界称为对流层顶,高度在赤道地区约为17~18km,在极地大约8km;从对流层顶至50km左右高度处的大气层称平流层,空气水平运动占主要,臭氧层即位于这一区域内;中间层,是从平流层顶到大约80km高度的大气区域;热层是中间层顶至300~500km的大气层;热层顶以上的大气层称外层大气[1]


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