
 2022-01-20 00:17:39


目 录

摘要 3

Abstract 4

1 材料与方法 5

1.1 样品采集 5

1.2气象数据来源 6

1.3 样品的预处理 6

1.4 分析条件和定量 6

1.5 质量控制和质量保证 6

2 结果与讨论 7

2.1 PM10的质量浓度 7

2.2 PM10和PM2.1中PAHs单体浓度分布特征 9

2.3 PM10中PAHs的粒径分布 10

2.4环数各异的多环芳烃分布 11

2.5几种多环芳烃的相关性分析 12

2.6 雾天气象因素 14

2.6.1温度层结 14

2.6.2相对湿度 15

2.6.3风速风向和区域传输的贡献 17

3结论 19

参考文献 20

致谢 22




Abstract: For the sake of researching the distribution of PAHs and the effect of related weather factors, samples were synchronously collected in Nanjing university of information science and technology. The concentration of fine particles at night is obvious higher than that in the daytime in sunny days while the difference is little in foggy days. The total concentrations of PAHs in fine particles and PM10 in sunny days account for 68.97% and 45.45% of those in foggy days respectively. In different conditions, size distribution of PM10 and PAHs in PM10 are bimodal. The diurnal variation of PAHs mass concentration is more pronounced in small size segments.PAHs in PM2.1 that have mass fractions of 75.47% in sunny days and 49.71% in foggy days,which suggests that fine particles have a stronger adsorption capacity for PAHs than coarse particles. BaP have good correlation with the other homologous compounds and ΣPAHs both in two different circumstances ,which suggests they can stem from the similar sources. BaPE in different conditions are higher than the standard of BaP . The diffusion of pollutants was inhibited by the stable inversion layers in foggy days.Adsorption capacity for PAHs on particles (especially fine particles)was enhanced by the high humidity in foggy days.Lots of pollutants was provided by airs from the northwest of Nanjing,and meanwhile weak wind condition made fog be stable,bringing about remarkable increase of PAHs.

Key words:PM10,PAHs,foggy days,meteorology,Nanjing


当前研究工作主要包含了PAHs浓度特征分析、污染物来源判断以及粒径分布特征分析等[7-11]。时宗波等[12]发现了在北京雾天粒径大于0.2μm的颗粒物上的PAHs浓度高于晴天;樊曙先[13-14]等发现,南京冬季颗粒中PAHs浓度分布存在日夜差别;He J等[15]发现夏季高温因素促进了颗粒状PAHs向气态形式转化,并且较强的辐射促进了PAHs的光解反应。在雾天,由于漂浮在空气中的雾滴沉降十分缓慢,可以与周围空气充分接触,而且雾滴细小,所以各种污染物都非常容易被其所捕获,雾天的空气质量会有不同程度的下降,所以,探讨雾天气象因素对PAHs污染特点所造成的影响很有必要。本次主要对晴雾两种天气系统下PM10中多环芳烃的浓度和粒径分布特征进行对照,并且同时判断天气要素(温度、湿度、风速风向等)对PAHs污染特点所形成的影响,希望能为大气PAHs污染防治工作提供一定的参考。

1 材料与方法

1.1 样品采集

本次研究的采样点处于江苏省南京浦口区中苑操场,该区域地形平坦空旷,其条件适合于观测。仪器的类型属于FA-3型(放在距地五米高的台子上) ,粒度分布:gt;9.0、5.8~9.0、4.7~5.8、3.3~4.7、2.1~3.3、1.1~2.1、0.65~1.1、lt;0.65μm。采集板保持畅通很重要,所以,需对其进行检验是否有堵塞现象发生,必要时用钢针对其予以疏通。


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