
 2022-01-23 21:21:09


摘 要

90年代初,射频卡问世,很快便得到了广泛的应用. 射频卡(即非接触式IC卡),它将射频识别技术(即RFID技术)和IC卡技术结合了起来,解决了卡中没有电源和免接触的一个难题,是电子器件领域的一大突破。当然,提到射频卡不得不提到的就是RFID(射频识别)技术,RFID应用已经涉及到我们生活的方方面面,例如供应链管理,门禁系统,自助结算等等。但是,近几年来,各种RFID攻击事件层出不穷,监听,追踪,重传攻击等等各种攻击方式都引起了大家对射频卡和射频识别技术安全性能的重视。本文主要就常见的Mifare射频卡系列的安全性能进行分析和研究。

  1. 了解射频卡的相关知识,射频卡的分类,特点,以及RFID技术及其安全性能的演变,了解相关的RFID安全协议。
  2. 搜集射频卡安全性能的分析方法,了解射频卡密码破解的相关方法。
  3. 选取生活中最常用的一卡通进行测试,尝试对一卡通(该卡为Mifare 4k卡)进行读取,读取出其中的一卡通号,姓名和一卡通的金额。
  4. 根据测试结果深入了解RFID技术,更深入的了解Mifare卡,对它的安全性能进行深入研究并且提出提高安全性能的方法。



At the beginning of the 1990s, the radio frequency card(RF card) has been created. And it has been applied in many systems. RF card,(non-contact IC card),combined the radio frequency identification technology (RFID technology) and IC card technology. The card solved the problem that there was no power in the card and how to avoid contact. It is a great breakthrough in the field of electronic devices. Of course, referring to the RF card, what we have to mention is the RFID (radio frequency identification) technology. RFID applications have been involved in all aspects of our lives, such as supply chain management, access control systems, self-checkout, and so on. In recent years, a variety of cases that RFID attacks such as sniffing and tracking, spoofing, replay attacks have attracted public attention to security problems of RF card and RFID. It is worth studying the security problems of the RF card.

  1. This experiment aims to understand the knowledge of RF card, RF card’s classification, characteristics, as well as RFID technology and its safety performance’s evolution, and RFID security protocols.
  2. Collecting the methods to analyze the security and knowing the way to crack the RF card.
  3. Selecting the most commonly used card in our lives as the object of this study. Attempting to read this card (this card is Mifare 4K card) and read the number of the card, the name and money saved in this card.
  4. The experiment can help understand the RFID technology, learn more about Mifare card, study its safety performance in-depth and propose some solutions to increase the security performance.

Keywords: RFID, radio frequency card, Mifare card, security performance


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 研究目的和内容 2

1.4 论文结构 2

第二章 射频卡及RFID基础知识 3

2.1 射频卡简介 3

2.1.1 射频卡简述 3

2.1.2 射频卡的分类 3

2.1.3 射频卡的特点: 4

2.2 射频识别技术简介 4

2.2.1 射频识别技术简述 4

2.2.2 射频识别技术主要应用 5

2.3 射频识别技术安全协议 7

第三章 Mifare卡安全性分析方法及原理 9

3.1 M1卡结构简介 9

3.2 射频卡的安全性 10

3.3 常见的射频卡及RFID安全性能分析方法 10

第四章 测试设备及测试方案 15

4.1 测试方案 15

4.2 硬件和软件设备 15

4.2.1 硬件设备 15

4.2.2 软件部分 17

4.3 测试过程及结果分析 17

4.3.1 测试过程 17

4.3.2 测试结果分析 18

第五章 射频卡安全性能分析 27

第六章 总结与展望 30

致 谢 32

附 录 33

参考文献 36

  1. 绪论
    1. 研究背景

90年代伊始,射频卡问世了,这是电子科技领域的一大突破,射频卡受到了广泛的关注,并且在很快的时间里就获得了大量的应用,同时也出现了许多生产射频卡的厂家。在目前市场上主要产品有飞利浦的Mifare1、亿恒的Infineon Sle44R16、爱特梅尔的Temic e5551、斯沃琪集团的Em4102等。因为,射频卡是由射频识别技术和IC卡技术相结合的,所以射频识别技术的发展也与之息息相关。



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