
 2022-01-26 11:59:01


摘 要


本论文基于libpcap函数库接口设计并实现了简单的无线数据包抓取和分析工具。首先在linux系统下将网卡调成监听模式,进行无线数据包的抓取;之后在学校的无线网络环境下,通过C 程序进行数据包的分析,主要分析数据包的包头部分,包括IP头、TCP头,实现典型的应用层协议(如HTTP,DNS)的识别,实现控制帧、管理帧和数据帧子类型的识别,分析结果存入文件和MySQL数据库;最后通过WEB页面展示数据库中的数据包分析结果。


Design and Implementation of 802.11 Wireless Network

Protocol Analysis Tool


With the rapid development of the network and information technologies, the override of the wireless network is gradually popularize, more and more people use the wireless network and the invention of the wireless router also accelerate this tendency. When the network manager need to analyze the traffic flow under the wireless network, such as to distinguish the network traffic of the users or to monitor the online activities of the users, they need to use the packet capture and analyze tool.

In this thesis, the design and implementation of the packet capture and analysis tool is based on the libpcap function interface. First of all, change the mode of network card to Monitor mode under Linux system for the capturing of the wireless packets. Next, analyze the packets through C program under the wireless network environment. The main part of the analysis is to analyze the header of the packets, including the IP header and the TCP header, to identify the typical protocols of the application layer and the subtype of control frame, management frame and data frame, and then insert the results into the file and the MySQL database. In the end, display the analysis results in the database through the WEB page.

KEY WORDS: 802.11 wireless network, protocol analysis tool, packet


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 i

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究现状分析 1

1.2.1 802.11无线局域网协议 1

1.2.2无线数据包的嗅探和分析 2

1.3研究目标和内容 3

1.4论文组织结构 3

第二章 系统总体设计 4

2.1系统结构 4

2.2系统模块细化 4

2.2.1数据包抓取 4

2.2.2数据包分析 5

2.2.3结果存储和展示 7

2.3本章小结 7

第三章 系统实现 8

3.1开发环境和工具 8

3.2数据包抓取模块 8

3.2.1设置网卡为监听模式 8

3.2.2编码实现数据包的抓取 8

3.3数据包分析模块 8

3.4结果存储和展示模块 13

3.4.1数据库设计 13

3.4.2图形化展示 16

3.5本章小结 16

第四章 系统测试和结果分析 17

4.1系统实验环境 17

4.2数据包抓取模块 17

4.3数据包分析模块 17

4.4结果存储和展示模块 18

4.4.1数据库搭建 18

4.4.2结果展示 18

4.5本章小结 22

第五章 总结和展望 23

5.1论文总结 23

5.2工作展望 23

致谢 24

参考文献 25

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景





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