摘 要
The New Trend of Trade Protectionism and Its Impact on Our Country’s Export Trade and Countermeasures
Since the financial crisis, in order to stimulate the national economic development and protect the domestic market, seeking new economic growth point, countries have increased efforts to build up trade barriers, and frequently used anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, discriminatory procurement and other means, triggering a new round of the global wave of trade protectionism. With the accelerated process of economic globalization, promoted by the imbalance of world economic development and interests, various trade protectionism means emerge in an endless stream and make continuous improvement, so that the main body, object, form, means of trade protectionism also present new trends and new features. In this wave, China's exports suffered a significant shock from trade protectionism. In addition to encounter high number of trade remedy case investigations, technical barriers as a representative of the non-tariff barriers are becoming the second largest export barriers of Chinese enterprises, which cause the weakening of the competitiveness of the traditional export products and the increase of the pressure of China's export structure adjustment. In order to study the new trends and new features of current trade protectionism, the impact on our country and how to deal with the new trade protectionism, this paper starts from the history of the development of trade protectionism, which lay a solid theoretical foundation for the later study of the new features of the current trade protectionism. We use the method of data analysis, which make the analysis of the new trend of trade protectionism and its impact on China's export trade comprehensively and deeply, And set up the dynamic differential gravity model to analyze the impact of trade protectionism on China's agricultural exports, empirical results show that trade protectionism take up by the foreign countries have a negative impact on China's agricultural exports, compared to developed countries, India and Brazil as the representative of the developing countries have greater impact on China's exports of agricultural products. According to the study, we work out the government, the industry association, the enterprise from the three aspects of strategy.
Key words: Trade protectionism; new trends; export trade; effects; countermeasures;
目 录
第一章 导论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.3研究方法及思路 2
1.4研究内容与框架 2
第二章 理论与文献综述 4
2.1贸易保护主义的相关理论 4
2.1.1重商保护主义理论 4
2.1.2李斯特的幼稚产业保护理论 4
2.1.3凯恩斯的超保护贸易理论 4
2.1.4新贸易保护主义理论 5
2.2文献综述 5
第三章 贸易保护主义的新趋势 7
3.1贸易保护主义主体的新趋势 7
3.1.1越来越多的新兴发展中国家成为贸易保护主义发起者 7
3.1.2贸易实施主体区域化和集团化 8
3.2贸易保护主义客体的新趋势 10
3.3贸易保护主义形式的新趋势 10
3.3.1保护主义形式更隐蔽 10
3.3.2从贸易保护主义扩展到国际经济和国际社会保护主义 11
3.4贸易保护主义手段的新趋势 11
3.4.1贸易保护主义手段多样化且复杂化 11
3.4.2技术性贸易壁垒和绿色壁垒明显增加且影响范围越来越广 11
3.4.3操纵汇率成为新手段 12
第四章 贸易保护主义对我国出口贸易的影响 12
4.1贸易摩擦数量增加、涉案金额增大 12
4.2技术性贸易壁垒、绿色壁垒使我国出口贸易遭受巨大损失 14
4.2.1我国农产品出口损失惨重 14
4.2.2我国工业产品出口损失惨重 15
4.3出口增速降低、产业结构调整压力增大 16
第五章 贸易保护主义对中国出口贸易的实证研究——以农产品为例 18
5.1影响中国农产品出口的贸易保护主义措施的描述性分析 18
5.2模型与变量 19
5.2.1研究模型设定 19
5.2.2数据来源 20
5.3实证分析 20
第六章 对策建议 23
6.1政府应加强其宏观调控职能 23
6.1.1积极参与国际贸易规则谈判以提升国际贸易话语权 23
6.1.2完善贸易摩擦预警机制且积极利用WTO多边机制妥善处理贸易争端 23
6.1.3完善国家标准化体系的建设 23
6.1.4引导低碳经济发展 23
6.1.5推进自贸区建设并推动贸易自由化 24
6.2行业协会要充分做好政府与企业间的桥梁作用 24
6.2.1行业协会应加强自身建设 24
6.2.2行业协会要组织企业积极应对国外贸易保护主义 24
6.2.3行业协会应协助政府 25
6.2.4行业协会要加强各种信息的收集并建立预警体系 25
6.3企业应强化市场主体功能 25
6.3.1提高自主研发能力并加快出口方式增长转变 25
6.3.2各行业和各企业团结协作 26
6.3.3借“投资替代”推进我国出口市场多元化 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28
第一章 导论