
 2022-02-10 19:02:16


摘 要





关键词:高管团队 人力资本特征 企业慈善捐赠规模


With the progress and development of society, as well as the improvement of education and material conditions, attention on social problems increases and companies are expected to bear higher social responsibilities. Further, since philanthropy can improve corporate reputation, bring about competitive advantage to the company, businesses have included philanthropy part of corporate strategic, more and more enterprises are joining the charity queue.

As the market environment and corporate governance structure are enduring growing complexity, today's decision-making on charitable giving is largely shared within the top management team. Therefore, based on information disclosure of listed companies, this paper investigates the correlations between the characteristics of TMT and the level of corporate philanthropy. Hierarchical regression analysis is used to explore how the scale of corporate philanthropy is affected by human capital characteristics as average age, average education level, average salary level, average tenure, political associations as well as yield-oriented functional backgrounds.

The empirical analysis shows: The characteristics of top management team are important factors to affect the scale of corporate philanthropy. Firstly, the scale of corporate charitable donation is positively correlated with the average salary of TMT; secondly, the scale of corporate charitable donation is positively related to TMT average Tenure; thirdly, the scale of enterprise charity donation is positively correlated with the political strength of TMT; lastly, the scale of charitable donation is negatively correlated with the yield-oriented functional backgrounds.

Of course, the article also has some disadvantages. First, this paper will study the annual set for 2013 and 2014, in which case, the sample size is rather small, which, to a certain extent, exert negative influence on the effectiveness of study conclusion; second, the universality of the study is restricted as samples are limited to those private manufacturing enterprises without member in/out of the TMT during studied periods; third, because of the limitations of information sources, sample data not necessarily fully reflect the real situation of enterprises donations; Fourth, this paper considers only part of the demographic features of the top management team, homogeneity or heterogeneity characteristics are not being taken into account.

Key Words: Top management team; Human capital characteristics; Corporate Philanthropy scale


第1章 绪论 5

1.1 研究背景与意义 5

1.2 研究内容及方法 5

1.3 研究框架 6

第2章 文献综述 8

2.1 理论基础——高层梯队理论 8

2.2 企业慈善捐赠研究回顾 8

2.2.1 企业慈善捐赠动机研究 9

2.2.2 企业慈善捐赠影响因素研究 10

2.3 高管团队研究回顾 11

2.3.1 高管团队特征对企业战略决策的影响研究 11

2.3.2 高管团队特征对企业财务绩效的影响研究 12

第3章 理论基础与研究假设 13

3.1 理论基础 13

3.2 研究假设 15

3.2.1 高管团队平均年龄对企业慈善捐赠规模的研究假设 15

3.2.2 高管团队平均教育水平对企业慈善捐赠规模的研究假设 16

3.2.3 高管团队平均薪酬对企业慈善捐赠规模的研究假设 17

3.2.4 高管团队平均任期对企业慈善捐赠规模的研究假设 17

3.2.5 高管团队政治关联强度对企业慈善捐赠规模的研究假设 18

3.2.6 高管团队职能背景对企业慈善捐赠规模的研究假设 19

第4章 研究设计 21

4.1 变量与测度 21

4.1.1 自变量 21

4.1.2 因变量 23

4.1.3 控制变量 23

4.2 样本选择与数据来源 26

4.2.1 样本选择 26

4.2.2 数据来源 26

4.2.3 样本特征 27

4.2.4 高管团队特征对企业慈善捐赠规模影响的模型设计 28

第5章 实证分析与结果讨论 29

5.1 描述性统计分析 29

5.1.1 自变量 29

5.1.2 因变量 29

5.1.3 控制变量 30

5.2 变量间相关性分析 30

5.3 回归分析 33

第6章 研究结论 35

6.1 主要发现与结论 35

6.2 局限性 36

致 谢 38

参考文献 39






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