
 2022-02-13 18:27:46


摘 要


Experimental Research on Design Elements of Digital Interface and Response Characteristics of Human Brain

02612135 Yang Xin

Instructor: Xue Chengqi , Niu Yafeng

Abstract:According to the way of cognitive process, we divide software icons into two categories, common icons and specific icons. We did the matching degree of icon- semanteme comparative experiment by low arousal event-related potentials. Thus, we provide designers an objective physiological measurement to get the user's recognition feedback and evaluate the design. The words corresponding to each icon are divided into three match relationship---high, medium and low to explore differences of N400 among the three matching condition. The results show that: The amplitude of N400 is biggest at medium matching degree of icon-semanteme, which is followed by it at low matching degree; the amplitude of N400 at high matching degree is smallest; compared to common icons, specific icons can lead to bigger amplitude of N400. The significant regular pattern of N400 among different matching degrees of both two types of icons are consistent. The length of the incubation period of the two types are also substantially consistent. We regard different brain regions and different matching degrees as two affect factors and do two-factor analysis of variance and the results showed that there are significant differences of N400 among the different matching degree, but there are no significant differences of N400 between different brain regions, and the interaction between matching degree and different brain regions is not significant. Behavioral data shows that the reaction time of specific icons is shorter than that of common icons, which indicates that the cognitive process of top-down is more quickly and efficiently compared to the bottom-up cognitive process.

Key words:Event-related potential, Matching degree, N400


1.绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究的目的、意义、内容 3

2.ERP的神经电生理学基础 5

2.1大脑皮层的基本结构 5

2.2脑电的产生机制 6

2.3 ERP的概念和特点 7

3.数字界面设计元素介绍 9

3.1数字界面中的元素 9

3.1.1数字界面中的文字元素 9

3.1.2数字界面中的图形元素 10

3.1.3数字界面中的其他元素 10

3.2数字界面的布局设计 11

4.基于ERP的不同类型图标—语义匹配度的实验 12

4.1预实验内容 12

4.2实验内容 12

4.2.1被试 12

4.2.2实验过程 13

4.2.3连续脑电图记录 14

5.实验数据分析 15

5.1行为学数据分析 15

5.2脑电实验数据分析 16

5.2.1总平均波形的特征分析 16

5.2.2不同匹配度波形的特征分析 17

5.3脑地形图分析 19

6.结果与展望 21

致 谢 22

参考文献 23





为了探究人们对不同加工方式图标的认知过程的差异,我们将图标分为两类:一类是泛指图标,这类图标在人们的先验知识中并不具备特定的含义,因而可认为人们对该类图标的加工过程是自下而上的;另一类是特指图标,这类图标在人们的先验知识中已经具备了特定的含义,因而可认为人们对该类图标的加工过程是自上而下的。我们采用事件相关电位(ERP, event-related potential)对这两类图标进行对比实验,运用脑电数据和行为学数据进行对实验结果进行分析,对比这两类图标认知过程,为图标的设计者提供一定的依据。




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