摘 要
One-Three Power Divider Design
02012308 Jiang Zaijian
Supervised by Zhou Xiang
Abstract: The rapid development of electronic technology as and the growing number of electronic products in today's society inevitably lead to electronic devices’ electromagnetic environment increasingly complex. How to make each unit of work in the same electromagnetic environment to meet the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility of them become a more and more attention problem. Power divider is electromagnetic compatibility test’s auxiliary equipment. Referred to as splitters. Belonging to the passive microwave devices. Which is mainly used in power distribution needs of the occasion. Typically,in the power divider ‘s power distribution,one input can be divided into two (or more) relatively small output. Subject requires an understanding of divider’s work requirements and working principle, design a DC ~ 1GHz in three power divider . Through the research on the y-type resistive two-power divider analysis derived three-resistor power divider structure, and making production and measurement in three power divider, make it to meet the requirements of the electromagnetic compatibility testing. Make the power distributor to meet the requirements of 0-1G Hertz frequency range, to meet the requirements of the impedance matching at the input and load characteristic impedance of 50 ohms, to achieve matching port. Make an appropriate choice of resistance in the actual production process, to build a rational circuit .And follow the the requirements of production using a vector network analyzer to measure the transmission parameters for each output port and the input port, and it is maintained within a frequency range of ± 0.3dB, to meet the design requirements. And measured divider’s other basic parameters.
Key words: Electromagnetic compatibility; one-three power divider; transmission parameters;
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 电磁兼容性测试 1
1.1.2 功分器的介绍 1
1.2 功分器的发展 2
1.3 论文研究内容及意义 3
1.4 论文组织结构 4
第二章 功分器原理和技术参数 5
2.1 端口网络 5
2.2 功率分配器原理 6
2.3 功分器的参数 7
2.4 小结 8
第三章 三功分器的设计 10
3.1 一分三功率分配器的电路 10
3.2 功分器的制作 10
3.2.1 选择电阻 11
3.2.2 壳体制作 12
3.2.3 焊接电路 13
3.3 小结 13
第四章 功分器的参数测量 15
4.1 测量仪器介绍 15
4.2 仪器使用 16
4.3 测量S参数 16
4.4 各驻波比的测量 20
4.5 小结 23
致 谢 24
参考文献: 25
电磁兼容(EMC-Electro Magnetic Compatibility)是指设备或者系统不对其电磁环境中所有事物构成不能承受的电磁干扰而正常工作的能力。电磁兼容性(EMC)包含了电磁干扰(EMI)和电磁敏感性(EMS)两方面的内容。电磁干扰(EMI)有三个要素:1.骚扰源(电流电压电磁场)2.耦合途径(传导耦合,感应耦合,辐射耦合)3.敏感设备(性能下降,工作异常,设备损坏)。常见的骚扰源有雷电、脉冲电路。Esd、直流电机、变频调速器、感性负载通断、无线通信等。
电磁兼容标准EMC认证,在欧盟的EMC指令为89/336/EEC而欧盟采取的认证电子电气产品必须满足相关EMC标准,要是发现产品不符合标准就采取一切措施使这个产品消失于市场之上。在美国的认证标准为FCC,即任何不符合FCC行政和技术要求(包括没有取得FCC的认证或者鉴(检)定)的电磁辐射提都不允许工作或者投放市场。中国的EMC认证是CCC制度—China Compulsory Certification)它的要求是自2003年5月一日起,在没有施加中国强制性认证标志或者没有获得强制性产品认证证书时不论何种的电磁产品不可以出厂、进口和销售。