
 2022-03-04 20:56:34


摘 要




With the continuous economic development and the urbanization process, China's major cities broke out frequently serious water ecological crisis. First of all, there was a serious problem of urban waterlogging disasters. Secondly, the problem of water pollution was also increasing. Because of the shortage of traditional mode of urban construction and the weak awareness of rainwater recycling and wastewater recycling, urban storm water disaster and water pollution has now become one of the key issues restricting China's urban development. The "sponge city" theory is based on our current urban water ecological crisis. Sponges city is a large-scale infrastructure project of deep impact, which combined with the PPP will undoubtedly deepen the breadth and depth of this social impact. Sponge city combined with PPP projects have not only general social impact of major infrastructure projects characteristics. It also needs to consider the impact of a more complex relationship between the government and the social capital. Based on existing research, this paper proposed a social impact assessment index system for sponge city PPP projects. And then there was a test of the index system based on structural equation modeling and a real case of Yuelai New City in Chongqing as an example of the social impact assessment. Finally, based on the system dynamics idea, this paper made a causal loop diagrams and system flow diagrams. System simulation model was established.

Key words: sponge city; PPP project; social impact assessment; SEM; SD


摘要 1


1 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景 3

1.2 研究意义 4

1.3 国内外研究现状 4

1.4 研究内容和技术路线 10

2 海绵城市PPP项目社会影响评价指标体系的建立 12

2.1 社会影响评价范围的界定 12

2.2 社会影响评价对象的分析 13

2.3 社会影响评价内容的梳理 17

2.4 社会影响评价指标体系的构建 20

3 基于结构方程模型的社会影响评价指标体系检验 29

3.1 问卷情况介绍 29

3.2 描述性统计分析 31

3.3 二阶验证性因素分析 33

3.4 路径分析 38

4 海绵城市PPP项目社会影响评价案例分析与实践 43

4.1 社会影响评价概念模型 43

4.2 重庆市悦来新城海绵城市PPP项目案例介绍 46

4.3 基于案例的社会影响评价实践 50

5 海绵城市PPP项目社会影响评价的系统动力学建模 55

5.1 系统动力学方法简介 55

5.2 海绵城市PPP系统动力学建模过程 56

5.3 系统动力学后续研究设计 60

6 结论与展望 62

6.1 主要研究结论 62

6.2 研究不足与展望 62

在校期间学术成就 63

致谢 64

附录 65

附录一: 65

附录二: 69

附录三: 70

参考文献 79

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景


其次,我国水环境污染问题也在日益加剧。工业化进程带来大量的工业废水,城市生活中产生的大量生活污水往往缺乏有效的净化措施就直接排放进入大自然的水生态循环系统中,加剧了我国人均水资源匮乏的现状,甚至给公众的健康造成了恶劣影响,如2014年兰州自来水苯超标事件等。以中国环境监测总站提供的水环境监测水质周报于2016年5月份的数据为例,我国Ⅰ类水占比 10.42%,Ⅱ类水占比40.28%,Ⅲ类水占比22.92%,Ⅳ类水占比15.28%,Ⅴ类水占比6.94%,劣五类水占比4.17%。


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