
 2022-03-07 22:24:24


摘 要


研究者前往公司生产线,从公司ERP系统中搜集整理相关数据 ,再应用Promodel仿真软件,对所搜集生产资料进行整合,从而在计算机上构建生产线模型,并在将其与实际生产线类比之后进行仿真程序运行。文中选取该公司七个占生产线产能最大的产品依次进行模拟仿真,并对其进行自由组合,再依据约束理论寻找生产瓶颈,在不断改良之后得出各产品资源需求最优解以及组合生产资源需求最优解,从而达到对该公司生产线进行实际指导的最终目的。




In recent years, China's traditional manufacturing industry is growing rapidly, and there are some inevitable problems of development, such as the low degree of automation, the random personnel scheduling and irrational arrangements of stations. To improve manufacturing productivity, the most direct way is to start from the production line, use simulation technology to optimize improvements, and then arrange the station, resources and scheduling in groups in order to establish a more efficient and flexible manufacturing systems .This improving reflects irreplaceable positive role in industrial engineering in the manufacturing sector can play.

Researchers visit the company line and collected data from the company's ERP system .Then apply Promodel simulation software for the collection of production data integration, to build the production line model on a computer. The thesis select the company's seven productions of the largest fifteen productions to establish a simulation, and its free combination .And then based on the theory of constraints to find production bottlenecks .After continuous improvement, we obtain the optimal solution of resource requirements for each product and the combination of product, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of the company's production line for practical guidance.

After optimization, the company’s independent production and the combination of production of seven productions has established the optimized number of required equipment .This is designed to fit the company's orders point type produce of the actual situation, a reversal of the previous fixed stations and resource of ideas .Through the use of point-type changes in product categories to improved production process for the selected product for a reasonable and effective improvements.

Keywords: Optimization of the production line, Promodel simulation, Modeling and Simulation, Theory of Constraints


摘要 III

Abstract IV

目录 V

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 论文研究内容及方法 1

1.2.1 研究内容及难点 1

1.2.2 研究方法与技术路线 2

1.3 论文组织结构 4

第二章 柔性制造型及其评价模型 5

2.1 柔性制造系统介绍 5

2.2 生产与评价模型 5

2.3 对评价模型的评估 7

2.4 仿真模型的选择 8

第三章 ProModel仿真与约束理论概述 9

3.1 ProModel简介 9

3.2 ProModel软件构成 10

3.2.1 ProModel结构部件 10

3.2.2 ProModel运算元素 10

3.3 ProModel软件仿真流程 10

3.4 ProModel软件优化目标 11

3.5 ProModel软件实际应用 11

3.6 约束理论简介 12

3.7 约束理论实际应用 12

3.7.1 约束理论五步骤 12

3.7.2 鼓-缓冲器-绳(DBR)法 13

3.7.3 约束理论九大基本原则 13

第四章 成衣流水线仿真研究 15

4.1 计算机仿真概述 15

4.2 调研工厂的选择 15

4.3 数据收集与处理 16

4.3.1 研究对象数据收集 16

4.3.2 研究对象工序确认 16

4.3.3 计算机收集数据 17

4.3.4 手工收集数据 18

4.4 模型构建 19

4.4.1 模型限制条件 19

4.4.2 仿真元素建立 19

4.5 运行仿真及改善结果 20

4.5.1 A产品仿真优化 20

4.5.2 B产品仿真优化 22

4.5.3 C产品仿真优化 23

4.5.4 D产品仿真优化 24

4.5.5 E产品仿真优化 25

4.5.6 F产品仿真优化 26

4.5.7 G产品仿真优化 27

4.5.8 A、B、C产品组合仿真优化 28

4.6 仿真结果分析 32

4.6.1 单一仿真 32

4.6.2 成组仿真 32

第五章 总结与展望 35

5.1 工作总结 35

5.2 不足与展望 35

致谢 39

参考文献 41




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