摘 要
With the large-scale construction of high-speed railways in China, the total mileage is gradually ranked in the forefront of the world. It brings great convenience to people's life, but also brings more and more serious noise pollution problems. Noise pollution not only affects people's physical and mental health, but also destroys buildings and affects the normal use of instruments, causing huge losses. In order to effectively control noise pollution, the use of sound barriers is indispensable, and the most commonly used lightweight porous cement-based materials. However, in the course of service, the material has problems such as reduced sound absorption performance and severe cracking damage. For this reason, new functional components and optimized ratios are needed to improve initial sound absorption and mechanical properties.
In this paper, the technical route of ceramsite as high sound absorption aggregate is obtained through literature comparison. Based on this, the crack resistance and sound absorption performance of steel fiber and polyvinyl alcohol fiber for different strength cement-based sound absorbing materials are studied. The effect is obtained, and the mixing ratio of the high sound absorbing cement-based material with better crack resistance is obtained.
6-8mm ceramsite is used as the aggregate of cement-based lightweight sound absorbing material. For cement-based materials with water-cement ratio of 0.36, 0.38 and 0.40, the noise reduction coefficient is in the range of 0.70-0.86, and increases with the water-cement ratio. The trend of increasing first and then decreasing has the best noise reduction coefficient at 0.38 water-cement ratio; for cement-based materials with mass ratio of ceramsite to cement of 55:45, 60:40, 65:35, noise reduction coefficient and the flexural and compressive strengths increase with the increase of the ceramsite content.
Subsequently, the above cement-based materials were reinforced with steel fibers and polyvinyl alcohol fibers of 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% of the total mass of ceramsite and cement. Studies have shown that steel fibers and polyvinyl alcohol fibers will increase the material at 0.1% and 0.2%. The noise reduction coefficient can be increased by more than 20%, and the effect of polyvinyl alcohol fiber lifting is better, but the dosage is reduced at 0.3%; At the same time, the bending strength of steel fiber and polyvinyl alcohol fiber was increased. Both of them have good effects, but the effect on compressive strength is not significant. The combination of steel fiber and polyvinyl alcohol fiber may contribute to the crack resistance and sound absorption properties of the material.
Key words: sound pollution, sound barrier, cement based sound absorbing material, ceramsite aggregate, fiber, noise reduction coefficient, flexural strength
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1. 高铁噪声控制问题亟待解决 1
1.2. 噪声污染的危害及控制方法 1
1.2.1 噪声的定义及其危害 1
1.2.2 噪声的控制方法 1
1.3. 吸声材料分类及吸声机理简述 2
1.3.1 共振吸声结构材料 2
1.3.2 多孔吸声材料 2
1.3.3 水泥基吸声材料国内外研究应用现状及存在的问题 3
1.4. 本课题的研究意义和研究内容 4
1.4.1 研究意义 4
1.4.2 研究内容 5
第二章 试验原材料和试验方法 6
2.1 试验原材料 6
2.1.1 胶凝材料 6
2.1.2 集料 6
2.1.3 纤维 6
2.2 试验设备 7
2.2.1 吸声性能测定 7
2.2.2 力学性能测定 7
2.3 试验方案 8
2.4 试验方法 9
2.4.1 试样规格 9
2.4.2 性能测试 9
第三章 陶粒轻质吸声材料的制备及性能研究 11
3.1 陶粒掺量与水灰比对吸声性能的影响 11
3.1.1 陶粒掺量对轻质吸声材料吸声性能的影响 11
3.1.2 水灰比对轻质吸声材料吸声性能的影响 11
3.2 陶粒掺量与水灰比对力学性能的影响 12
3.2.1 陶粒掺量对轻质吸声材料力学性能的影响 12
3.2.2 水灰比对轻质吸声材料力学性能的影响 14
3.3 本章小结 15
第四章 不同纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料的性能影响及机理分析 16
4.1 钢纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料的性能影响 16
4.1.1 钢纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料吸声性能的影响 16
4.1.2 钢纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料力学性能的影响 18
4.2 聚乙烯醇纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料的性能影响 21
4.2.1 聚乙烯醇纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料吸声性能的影响 21
4.2.2 聚乙烯醇纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料力学性能的影响 23
4.3 两种纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料的性能影响比较及机理分析 25
4.3.1 两种纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料吸声性能的比较 25
4.3.2 两种纤维对陶粒轻质吸声材料力学性能的比较 25
4.3.3 两种纤维掺入轻质水泥基材料的成本分析及优势 26
4.4 本章小结 26
第五章 结论与展望 28
5.1 结论 28
5.2 展望 28
5.3 创新性分析 29
参考文献 30
致谢 32
第一章 绪论
- 高铁噪声控制问题亟待解决
- 噪声污染的危害及控制方法
- 噪声的定义及其危害
- 噪声污染的危害及控制方法