摘 要
Dalian Xinchuang Science Town 1# Residential Building is located in the Longtou village, Longtou Street, Lushun, Dalian. The project is a frame-shear wall structure with a total height of 84.1m and a total of 28 floors above ground. The total construction area is 13636.70m2. The construction use of this project is for residential buildings, the design life of this project is 50 years, and the seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees.
The construction organization design includes project overview, construction organization management, construction schedule, construction site layout, special project calculation, safety construction guarantee measures and civilized construction guarantee measures.
The difficulty of this project lies in the external scaffolding project and the high-formwork of the underground garage. Based on the actual situation of the project, for the external scaffolding project, a special design scheme combining floor-standing scaffolding and cantilever scaffolding is adopted. Specifically: the ground-mounted scaffolding is used for floors 1 to 5, and cantilevered scaffolding is used for floors above 5. The height of the highest formwork in the underground garage of 1# Building is 8.2m, which is a high-formwork project. For the project, the full-hall scaffolding is used. According these two schemes, the bearing capacity and the construction requirements are checked, and the corresponding specific scheme drawings are drawn.
Key words: Construction Organization; Scaffolding; Formwork Engineering.
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 编制依据 1
第二章 工程概况 3
2.1工程主要概况 3
2.2结构设计 3
第三章 施工组织管理和机构设置 4
3.1 施工组织管理 4
3.2 项目组织机构设置 4
第四章 施工部署及进度计划 5
4.1分部项工程的划分 5
4.2施工总体步骤 5
4.3施工进度计划 6
第五章 施工场地平面布置 7
5.1施工场地概况 7
5.2施工场地平面布置要求 7
第六章 沉降观测点布置 8
6.1沉降观测点分布概况 8
6.2沉降点观测及施工要求 8
第七章 主要项目施工方案和技术措施 9
7.1钢筋工程 9
7.1.1施工准备 9
7.1.2 钢筋堆放、保护和清理 9
7.2模板工程 9
7.2.1模板工程质量控制要点及要求 9
7.2.2拆模时间 10
7.3混凝土工程 10
7.3.1混凝土标号 10
7.3.2混凝土浇筑与振捣的要求 11
7.3.3施工缝的留置与处理 11
7.4砌体工程 11
7.5屋面工程 12
7.5.1屋面找平层 13
7.5.2 屋面保温层施工 13
第八章 外脚手架专项方案 15
8.1外脚手架搭设概况 15
8.1.1外脚手架方案选择 15
8.1.2 外脚手架材料及规格 16
8.2脚手架搭设流程 16
8.3计算书 16
8.3.1计算参数 16
8.3.2大横杆的计算 17
8.3.3小横杆的计算 18
8.3.4扣件抗滑力的验算 20
8.3.5脚手架荷载标准值计算 20
8.3.6立杆的稳定性验算 21
8.3.7连墙件的计算 22
8.3.8悬挑梁的受力计算 23
第九章 高支模专项方案 42
9.1高模板支架搭设概况 42
9.2模板支撑材料及要求 42
9.3计算书 42
9.3.1计算参数 42
9.3.2楼板模板计算 43
9.3.3 400×850 梁侧模板计算 49
9.3.4 400×850 梁底模板计算 53
第十章 冬季施工措施 60
第十一章 工期保证措施 61
第十二章 施工质量保证措施 62
第十三章 安全施工保证措施 63
第十四章 绿色文明施工保证措施 65
参考文献 66
致 谢 67