基于Analytics Zoo大数据平台的ONNX支持框架设计与实现

 2022-04-03 22:39:45


摘 要



1、选择英特尔公司研发的Analytics Zoo大数据分析 AI平台作为开发平台,依靠平台底层的Spark(大数据分析引擎)和BigDL(分布式深度学习库)支持深度学习网络模型进行大规模、高效、可伸缩的分布式训练。







In recent years, with the continuous development of deep learning technology, the scale of data has been expanding and people gradually find that deep learning is encountering data bottleneck. To break through this bottleneck, the combination of deep learning and big data platform currently has become the optimal solution. However, deep learning models are often developed based on a specific deep learning framework, and the model formats supported by different frameworks and platforms vary. As a result, model migrations from the framework to a platform are often difficult to implement, resulting in model rewriting at an extremely high cost. In order to enable users to migrate deep learning models across the frameworks to the big data platform and carry out efficient distributed model training, this paper proposes to build an Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) Support Framework.

The main work of the thesis includes the following points:

1.Use Analytics Zoo (a unified analytics AI platform) developed by Intel Corporation as our development platform, and rely on its underlying Spark and BigDL to support the large-scale, efficient and scalable distributed training of neural network models.

2. Construct Keras Style Application Programming Interface, generate model definitions with features of Keras modules (class, function, etc.), and perform feedforward/feedback operations on it.

3. Write mapping functions in units of ONNX operator to implement model format conversion, thus allowing ONNX to utilize platform resources for model training, and achieve platform support for PyTorch based on its ONNX format model export function.

4. Perform functional tests on this ONNX support framework implemented in this paper, and verify the validity, feasibility and performance of the framework by loading the pre-training neural network model.

Experiments has shown that the project realizes cross-platform model immigration well, which brings great convenience to the development of deep learning technology.

KEY WORDS: deep learning, distributed training, Spark, neural network model, ONNX, model immigration

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外现状及难点 2

1.2.1 深度学习与大数据集成平台 2

1.2.2 深度学习模型跨框架迁移 3

1.3 论文主要工作 4

1.4 论文组织结构 5

第二章 技术与理论综述 6

2.1 现有工作相关技术 6

2.1.1 Apache Spark 6

2.1.2 BigDL 7

2.1.3 Analytics Zoo 9

2.2 深度学习模型理论 10

2.2.1网络模型性能分析 10

2.2.2 ResNet神经网络原理 10

第三章 需求分析 14

3.1 系统整体需求 14

3.2 模块功能需求 14

3.2.1 Keras Style API功能需求 14

3.2.2 ONNX支持框架功能需求 16

3.2.3 PyTorch支持模块功能需求 20

第四章 项目方案设计与实现 21

4.1 系统设计路线 21

4.2 模块设计与实现 21

4.2.1 Keras Style API设计与实现 21

4.2.2 ONNX支持框架设计与实现 24

4.2.3 PyTorch支持模块设计与实现 27

4.2.4 预训练模型加载设计与实现 29

第五章 实验验证 31

5.1 实验条件设置 31

5.2 实验步骤与效果 31

5.2.1 测试用例 32

5.2.2 实验效果 38

第六章 结语 39

参考文献 40

致 谢 42

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

作为机器学习的分支,深度学习是一种以人工神经网路为架构而对数据进行表征学习的算法。近年来,深度学习技术已成为计算机学科中最热门的话题之一,它在自然语言处理、计算机视觉、语音识别等领域取得了很好的训练效果, 也进一步展现出了其对教育、医疗、工业等社会因素的重大研究意义。如何高效地选择并使用深度学习模型训练/预测数据并挖掘其背后的深层价值,是大家普遍关注的重点。而对互联网企业而言,受行业趋势影响,则是纷纷开始研发自主的深度学习技术平台,以便在竞争激烈的环境中保持技术优势。



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