
 2021-12-29 08:12


摘 要

基于聚碳硅烷先驱体转化法的碳化硅纤维具有其他纤维难以取代的高强度、耐高温、耐腐蚀等优异性能,在航空航天领域运用广阔。为了提高SiC陶瓷的耐超高温及抗氧化性能,在制备SiC陶瓷先驱体过程中引入异质元素,合成新型SiC陶瓷先驱体,己成为当今高性能SiC陶瓷材料发展的主流[1]。对比添加了锆、钽、铪的纤维性能, 我们可以发现含锆碳化硅纤维的性能比另外两种要好。相关资料显示,在H2/Ar混合气氛下热解生成的SiC基纤维碳含量会减少,可制备出近化学计量比的SiC纤维。目前对于在氢气氛围下烧结的含锆碳化硅纤维的性能研究还不多,因此,本文通过控制热解时H2/Ar混合气氛和温度,制备含锆SiC纤维,并主要研究了气氛、温度对含锆SiC纤维力学性能和高温抗氧化性能的影响。










SiC fibers derived from precursor polymer have many excellent properties such as high strength,high-temperature oxidation resistance and high chemical corrosion resistance. They have wide use in the field of aerospace. In order to improve the high-temperature resistance and oxidation-resistance performance of SiC ceramic, introducing hetero-elements in the preparation process of SiC ceramic precursor to synthesis hetero-elements containing SiC ceramic precursor has become the mainstream of high-performance SiC ceramic materials. According to some studies, the overall performance of Si-Zr-C-O fibers is the best among the three kinds hetero-elements(Zr、Ta、Hf) containing ceramic fibers. Hydrogen acts to eliminate carbon atoms during pyrolysis, the obtained SiC-based fibers were near stoichiometric SiC with excess carbon content. Currently, there are not many studies on the properties of SiC fibers containing zirconium. By controlling the H2 / Ar mixed atmosphere and temperature of the pyrolysis, we synthesized SiC-based fibers with various chemical compositions. Next, we test the performance of them and analyse relationships between pyrolytic conditions and properties.

We plan to test the content of elements,microstructure,strength and high-temperature oxidation resistance. The main results are summarized as follows.

(1) The best pyrolysis temperature is 1000℃ under pure argon, 30% H2, 50%H2 atmosphere and 1200℃ under pure hydrogen.

(2) When the pyrolysis temperature is 1000℃ and the concentration of H2 is 50%, we can obtain near stoichiometric SiC fibers containing zirconium. They have high strength and the surface is smooth.

(3) When the pyrolysis temperature is 1200℃ and 1300℃, the tensile strength of the fibers has no relationship with pyrolysis atmosphere.

(4) Zirconium can improve high-temperature oxidation resistance of the fibers.

(5)We use pure hydrogen as the pyrolysis atmosphere. After high temperature oxidation treatment in 1000℃ for 40h under air atmosphere, the fibers have an excellent high-temperature oxidation resistance when the pyrolysis temperature is 1000℃. The strength retention rates of the fibers are 78%. Increasing the sintering temperature reduces the high-temperature oxidation resistance of the fibers.

(6)We use 1200℃ as the pyrolysis temperature. After high temperature oxidation treatment in 1250℃ for 0.5h under air atmosphere, the fibers have an excellent high-temperature oxidation resistance when the pyrolysis atmosphere is 50% H2. The strength retention rates of the fibers are 82%. The fibers also have a high retention rate of carbon.

Keywords: Zirconium; Silicon carbide fibers; Temperature; Atmosphere; Mechanical properties; High-temperature oxidation resistance.


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstact Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 SiC纤维的制备方法 1

1.3先驱体转化法制备SiC纤维 2

1.3.1聚碳硅烷的合成 2

1.3.2聚碳硅烷的纺丝成型 2

1.3.3原丝不熔化处理 2

1.3.4高温热解处理 3

1.4氢气气氛下 SiC 纤维的性能研究 4

1.5掺杂异质元素Zr的SiC纤维 5

1.6本文的研究目的和主要研究内容 5

第二章 试验设备及试验方法 7

2.1实验原料与分析测试仪器 7

2.1.1原料与试剂 7

2.1.2实验仪器 7

2.2研究方案总体设计框架 7

2.3含锆聚碳硅烷的合成、纺丝、不熔化处理 8

2.4原丝纤维的高温烧结 8

2.4.1 PCS的热解过程 8

2.4.2 烧结实验过程 9

2.5测试与表征 11

2.5.1纤维的直径测量 11

2.5.2纤维表面形貌观察 12

2.5.3纤维表面成分分析 12

2.5.4纤维力学性能的测试 12

2.5.5纤维耐高温氧化性测试 12

第三章 热解条件对纤维的室温力学性能、成分影响 13

3.1热解温度对PCS纤维力学性能的影响 13

3.1.1纯Ar氛围 13

3.1.2 30%H2氛围 14

3.1.3 50%H2氛围 15

3.1.4 100%H2氛围 16

3.2热解气氛对PCS纤维力学性能的影响 16

3.2.1 在1000℃烧结时热解气氛对PCS纤维抗拉强度的影响 17

3.2.2 在1200℃、1300℃烧结时热解气氛对纤维抗拉强度的影响 18

3.3本章小结 19

第四章 纤维的高温抗氧化性 20

4.1锆元素对PCS纤维高温抗氧化性的影响 20

4.2烧结温度对纯H2下烧结的纤维高温抗氧化性的影响 21

4.3热解氛围对PCS纤维高温抗氧化性的影响 23

4.4本章小结 25

第五章 结论 26

致谢 26

参考文献(References) 28

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言


1.2 SiC纤维的制备方法

制备SiC纤维的方法有多种途径,目前有化学气相沉积法Chemical Vapor Deposition,CVD)、粉末烧结法、碳纤维转化法(Chemical Vapor Reaction,CVR)和先驱体转化法。

CVD 法制备 SiC纤维始于20世纪60年代,即以细 W 丝或 C 纤维为芯材,以甲基硅烷类化合物为原料,在氢气流下于灼热的芯丝表面上反应,裂解为 SiC 并沉积在芯丝上而制得[3]。用CVD法制得的SiC纤维纯度高,抗拉强度和弹性模量都很理想。但是用这种方法制得的纤维直径较粗(在140μm左右),纤维过于僵硬,可编织性不好,不利于高性能结构复合材料的制备[2]。而且该法成本较高,效率低下,难于投入生产。


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