
 2022-10-27 11:39:20


摘 要




Research on Speech Enhancement Algorithm Based on Auditory Masking


In our real life, the noise around us is everywhere, and it will inevitably bring some influence to our lives, which will interfere with our acceptance of useful information and affect the quality of speech. Therefore, it is imperative to seek a way to resist noise and increase the useful voice information. In recent years, domestic and international research has attached great importance to the research of speech enhancement, and has achieved many important achievements. For example, it has been found that the use of filters can effectively reduce interference, and it is found that Wiener filtering can be used to enhance speech signals, etc., but The auditory masking phenomenon of the human ear has also attracted the attention of researchers, but few people have studied it. Therefore, this paper starts with the auditory masking phenomenon of the human ear, analyzes its principle and method, and talks about the feasibility of speech enhancement.

In the first chapter, the paper briefly discusses the significance and importance of this topic, and also introduces the main directions and results of research at home and abroad. The second chapter briefly introduces the basics of speech enhancement, briefly introduces the basic characteristics and properties of speech signals, and simply analyzes the characteristics of noise and the difference between noisy speech signals. The definition of human ear hearing masking and the reason for auditory masking. The third chapter is the method of speech enhancement, which introduces the means of speech enhancement and enhances the principle of speech signal in the laboratory. The fourth chapter briefly introduces the principle of algorithm design and uses Matlab to study the effect of signal-to-noise ratio on speech enhancement.

Keywords:Speech enhancement;Noise reduction;Auditory masking


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III

第一章.绪论 4

1.1课题研究的背景及意义 4

1.2国内外研究现状 4

1.3本文的主要内容和安排 4

第二章.语音增强的基础 5

2.1.语音的基本特性 5

2.2 语音的处理方法 6

2.3语音感知的原理 7

2.4 人耳的听觉系统 7

2.5 掩蔽效应 7

2.6噪声的主要分类 8

2.7如何评价语音增强系统的性能 8

第三章.语音增强方法方法 10

3.1减谱法 10

3.2 利用Weiner滤波法的语音增强技术 10

3.3基于人耳听觉掩蔽特性的语音增强 11

第四章.语音增强算法 15

4.1 算法设计的一般框图 15

4.2 掩蔽阈值的计算方法 15

4.3 仿真验证 16

4.4 得出结论 21

第五章.总结和展望 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24

附 录 26



在现实生活中,我们经常在嘈杂的环境中也能听见有价值的信息。由于声音抵达两侧的耳朵时,因此当耳朵接受到声音时会产生双耳遮蔽效果。当两个或多个声源来自各不相同的角度时,由于到达耳朵的信号的时刻和相位不同,我们可以轻松定位每个声源或聚焦在一个声源上。深入讨论语音增强技术,尤其是听觉掩蔽语音增强技术。 首先概要掌握经典语音增强方法,推导单通道听觉掩蔽公式,之后从滤波器组角度研究听觉掩蔽变换的基本原理及其算法实现, 并比较了现有的语音增强方法,并研究了听觉掩蔽降噪方法的详细过程和改进。 并对仿真结果做了简要分析。因此,寻找出一种有效的算法来处理有噪声的语音信号以获得更高的抗噪声效果具有很高的研究价值。





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