
 2023-01-30 10:34:08


摘 要



Image Deblurring Based on Filtering Algorithm


In order to solve the problem of image degradation caused by motion blur and noise blur, the inverse filtering algorithm, Wiener filter algorithm and Richardson-Lucy filter algorithm are used to recover the blurred images of different reasons to restore the original image. Different algorithms have different effects on the processing of blurred images. The inverse filtering algorithm can better deal with the image degradation caused by the relative motion of the known image due to the relative motion in the imaging process. The core is through the Fourier transform of the degraded image. The inverse Fourier transform can be used to find the original image. The Wiener filtering algorithm is the least squares filtering algorithm, which is a restoration method that minimizes the mean square error between the original image and its restored image. When the noise is zero, the Wiener filtering can be simplified to the inverse filtering process. The Richardson-Lucy algorithm is the most probable original image after a given PSF convolution according to the Poisson noise statistical standard. This method is also applicable when the PSF is known but the noise information is unknown. Through the comparison of this research, it can be concluded that the overall performance of Wiener filtering is better than inverse filtering, and the image quality is gradually degraded due to the increase of the number of iterations.

Key words: image deblurring; inverse filtering; Wiener filtering; Richardson-Lucy filtering


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 图像去模糊的发展状况 2

1.4 运用的工具简介及文章的总体规划 3

1.4.1 Matlab简介 3

1.4.2 章节安排 3

第二章 图像去模糊基本原理 3

2.1 图像模糊的原因 3

2.1.1 运动模糊 4

2.1.2 离焦模糊 4

2.2 图像基本退化模型 4

2.3 图像去模糊评价方法 5

2.3.1 峰值信噪比(PSNR) 5

2.3.2 平均结构相似性指数(MSSIM) 6

第三章 利用逆滤波去除运动模糊 7

3.1 运动模糊去除方法 7

3.2 运动模糊图像的退化模型及参数估计 7

3.3 逆滤波的基本原理 9

3.4 matlab仿真实验分析 10

第四章 维纳滤波去除运动模糊 13

4.1 前言 13

4.2 维纳滤波的基本原理 13

4.3 matlab仿真实验分析 15

第五章 Richardson-Lucy滤波处理离焦模糊 17

5.1 离焦模糊的去除方法 17

5.2 离焦模糊图像的退化模型及参数估计 17

5.3 Richardson-Lucy算法基本原理 18

5.4 matlab仿真实验分析 20

第六章 全文总结 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24

附录 25

1. 逆滤波实验源代码 25

2. 维纳滤波实验源代码 26

3. Richardson-Lucy实验源代码 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义




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