
 2023-02-07 08:54:52


摘 要


本文设计的智能控制器系统就是基于Modbus通信协议实现的。该控制器主要使用Modbus RTU(远程终端单元)协议的05号功能码对设备状态进行控制。控制器软件的开发环境为微软公司的Visual C ,发送数据功能由MicrosoftCommunication控件完成,软件界面选择MFC(微软基础类库)进行设计。随后通过虚拟串口软件和Modbus Slave仿真软件对控制器设计进行验证和测试工作。测试结果符合设计要求,实现了对多个设备的集中控制。随后对该控制器的应用前景进行讨论。考虑到目前的工业信息网络在高层都采用高速以太网,仅在底层使用传统的现场总线技术,因此对该控制器的未来发展提出构想,后期若对控制器加入Modbus TCP(传输控制协议)到Modbus RTU协议的报文转换功能,即可组成一个完备的多层多节点工业信息网络,以实现对大范围内多个工业设备的远程无线集中控制,达到真正的工业智能化。


Research and Design of an Intelligent Controller Based on Modbus


With the development of industrial technology, the size and complexity of modern industrial systems are increasing, and industrial equipment is constantly being updated. Meanwhile, the demand of communication quality between industrial devices are also accelerating. Because the traditional communication methods have poor real-time performance and weak anti-interference capability, it wastes a lot of resources and costs. Fieldbus is a general term for industrial computer network protocols for distributed real-time control. As a connection method for modern industrial equipment, it replaces the point-to-point communication between traditional field devices and controllers. All data is transmitted on only one digital link, so it has the edge of simplicity, high dependability, and affordable expenditure. Among them, Modbus fieldbus technology introduced by Modicon has good compatibility and expandability. It is a good compromise between performance and cost, and it has grown as the most utilized communication standards of global industry. As early as 2007, the amount of Modbus nodes in China has reached the number of 10 million. Today, there are millions of Modbus devices and more than 300 Modbus device manufacturers. The Modbus protocol allows devices produced by different companies to be connected to the same industrial communication network, thus realizing centralized control and management.

The intelligent controller system designed in this dissertation is realized via the Modbus communication protocol. The controller mainly utilizes No. 05 function code of the Modbus RTU to alter the status of devices. The development environment of the controller software is Microsoft Visual C , the function of sending data is realized via the MicrosoftCommunication tool, and the software interface is designed by MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes). The controller is then verified and tested via virtual serial port software and Modbus Slave simulation software. The verification outcome satisfies the design requirements and realized the centralized control of multiple devices. The application prospects of the controller are then discussed. Considering that the current industrial information network adopts high-speed Ethernet at the upper level, and it only employs the traditional fieldbus technology at the bottom layer, so the future development of the controller is proposed. If the function of converting messages from Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU is added to the controller, it can then be applied to a multi-layer multi-node industrial information network to realize the remote wireless centralized control of industrial equipment on a large scale, thereby achieving industrial intelligence.

Keywords: Modbus, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, MFC

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1. 1 课题研究背景 1

1. 2 课题研究目的 1

第二章 现场总线技术 2

2. 1 现场总线概述 2

2. 2 常见的现场总线 3

2. 3 现场总线与工业以太网 5

第三章 Modbus通信协议 6

3. 1 Modbus协议简介 6

3. 2 Modbus的通信机制 7

3. 3 Modbus的协议版本 7

3. 3. 1 Modbus ASCII(美国信息交换标准代码) 7

3. 3. 2 Modbus RTU(远程终端单元) 8

3. 3. 3 Modbus协议版本对比 8

3. 4 Modbus RTU的消息结构 8

3. 4. 1 起始位和结束符 8

3. 4. 2 设备地址 8

3. 4. 3 功能代码 8

3. 4. 4 数据段 9

3. 4. 5 错误校验代码(CRC校验) 9

第四章 软件设计 11

4. 1 开发环境介绍 11

4. 2 设计步骤 11

4. 2. 1 界面设计 11

4. 2. 2 窗口初始化 13

4. 2. 3 打开串口 14

4. 2. 4 串口数据发送 14

4. 2. 5 控制功能的设计 14

4. 2. 6 错误校验:CRC校验 14

4.3 本章小结 15

第五章 控制器软件的仿真验证 16

5. 1 仿真环境介绍 16

5. 2 仿真验证 16

5. 3 本章小结 21

第六章 基于Modbus TCP与Modbus RTU的多层工业通信网讨论 22

6. 1 多层工业通信网络 22

6. 2 Modbus TCP协议介绍 22

6. 3 硬件架构 23

6. 4 软件架构 24

6. 5 预期功能 24

6. 6 报文转换:Modbus TCP与Modbus RTU 24

6. 7 本章小结 25

第七章 结束语 26

致 谢 28

参考文献(References) 30

附 录 32

第一章 引 言

1. 1 课题研究背景



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