
 2023-02-28 23:08:21


摘 要



A Forest Communication Network Design Calculation


James River Forest communication coverage area is mountainous, and many without power supply.According to James River Forest landscape considerations, the system selects the appropriate routing and networking.The phone number coding scheme in accordance with local PSTN telephone network number bit length bit-dial code, users with each other and other.The program for each base station and antenna tower height of a reliable theoretical calculations.The program for each base station and antenna tower height reliable theoretical calculations. In the organizational structure of the base station communication network in this regard, the entire construction system using communication lines "CNT - 07" wireless access equipment as the backbone equipment, selected James River Forest, Lan Mao, Wu Simeng three points as the base station construction using contour lines drawn James River Forest - Mau Mau Lan Lan Plans - Wu Simeng plan.Microwave transmission system using "W0063-2" family of digital microwave connection between the base station for 2Mbit / s data transmission, the transmission lines connected to PSTN network.James River supply difficulties, Lan Mao, Wu Simeng and all the communication point no AC and DC power, which brings some difficulties to design.Microwave routing reliability of the communication system is an extremely important factor in the design process to consider the possibility of using the system gain Gs are usually used to estimate the communication system.This topic infancy through the system gain estimates provide a reliable theoretical basis for digital microwave communication channel equipment selection.For this project shared communication channel reliability estimates for the public network of digital microwave relay system, generally referring to CCITT, CCIR and recommend appropriate indicators and national design requirements.For similar that the subject involves private network design specifications digital microwave communication channels is difficult to give a uniform standard, to be drawn according to the actual situation.According to the actual situation of terrain, we propose a two-way full-year availability of 99%, according to the actual length hops, proportionally allocated to the respective segments.

key word:communication ;Forest zone ;Route calculation ;System Gain;Device Configuration

目 录

摘 要 III

Abstract IV

第一章 引 言 6

1.1 选题背景及意义 6

1.2 数字微波通信简介 7

1.2.1 什么是微波通信? 7

1.2.2 数字微波收、发设备的组成 8

1.3 概述及解决的主要问题 9

1.4 设计的指导思想、采用的相关方案 10

1.4.1 路由及组网方式 10

1.4.2 基站通信网的组织结构 10

1.5 微波路由设计 13

1.5.1 微波路由设计基本原理 13

1.5.2 微波路由可靠性计算 16

1.5.3 微波路由可靠性计算程序 21

1.5.4 天线高度的计算 22

第二章 设备简述和结果分析 24

2.1 设备简述 24

2.2 结果分析 24

2.3 建塔要求 24

2.4 基站建塔 25

致 谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 引 言

1.1 选题背景及意义


林业肩负着保护国家挺重要资源的重任,而林区独特的生态环境。 为防火办的日常工作带来了诸多挑战:地势崎岖、环境恶劣、作业危险系数较高且极易因人为或自然原因造成林区火灾。


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