
 2022-01-18 00:06:59


目 录

1.绪论 3

1.1 研究背景 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1目前国外甲醛传感器的研究现状 3

1.2.2 目前国内甲醛传感器与检测仪器的现状 4

1.2.3甲醛检测仪器的问题与发展趋势 4

1.3 论文主要内容 5

2.系统总体设计 6

2.1 方案选择 6

2.1.1 甲醛传感器的选择 6

2.1.2 传输模块的选择 7

2.2 硬件电路方案设计 7

2.3 软件方案设计 8

2.3.1单片机开发环境 8

2.3.2 软件流程 9

3. 甲醛自动测量仪的硬件设计 11

3.1 甲醛检测模块设计 11

3.2 传输模块的设计 11

3.3 显示模块的设计 12

4.基于Android系统的系统监测平台设计 12

4.1 Android Studio 的简介 12

4.2 软件需求分析 13

4.3 手机客户端监测系统设计 14

5.系统调试及实验结果分析 17

5.1 甲醛模块的调试 17

5.2 室内封闭环境下检测实验 20

5.3 本章小结 24

6.总结 24

参考文献 25

致谢 27

附件 28




Abstract: This design first analyzes the market common formaldehyde measuring instrument, in view of its function is imperfect, the measuring precision is not high, the measurement time and so on question, has designed a fast high accurate formaldehyde automatic measuring instrument. The measuring instrument obtains the concentration information through the electrochemical formaldehyde sensor, and uses the STM32 SCM for data processing and storage. The OLED module displays the concentration information, and also develops the monitoring software system based on the Android platform, which can display the current concentration information and historical data in real time. In addition, the measurement accuracy of the instrument is tested and compared with the test results of chemical reagents. On this basis, the test of formaldehyde concentration change in two groups of closed environment was carried out, and the results showed that the formaldehyde automatic monitor had the advantages of simple operation interface, high precision and fast reaction time, and could detect the formaldehyde concentration information remotely, and had certain value.

Key words: Formaldehyde detection; Electrochemical formaldehyde sensor; accuracy;


1.1 研究背景






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