
 2022-01-18 00:07:17


目 录

1. 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的意义及背景 1

1.2 光学图像处理技术的国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 均值滤波算法 2

1.2.2 中值滤波算法 2

1.2.3 减阈值去噪算法 3

1.3 基于热核的图像处理技术的国内外研究现状 3

1.4 存在的问题及发展趋势 5

1.5 论文的主要工作与章节安排 6

2. 基于热核的光学图像噪声处理理论基础 6

2.1 光学图像中的噪声分析 6

2.1.1 高斯噪声 7

2.1.2 泊松噪声 7

2.2 随机场理论(RFT) 7

2.3 热方程的基本概念 8

2.4 热方程在图中的应用 9

3. 基于热核的弱小目标光学图像去噪方法 10

3.1 光学图像中的弱小目标特点分析 10

3.2 光学目标特性及天光背景的分析 10

3.3 基于小带宽热核的光学图像算法分析 11

3.4 图像去噪效果的评价方法 12

3.4.1 主观评价法 12

3.4.2 客观评价法 13

4. 实验结果及分析 13

4.1 仿真实验 13

4.1.1 本文算法对高斯噪声的处理效果及分析 13

4.1.2 本文算法对泊松噪声的处理效果及分析 18

4.1.3 本文算法对混合噪声的处理效果及分析 18

4.2 实际光斑实验 20

4.2.1 夏克-哈特曼工作原理 20

4.2.2 本文算法对采集图像的处理效果及分析 20

4.2.3 不同噪声水平对采集图像的影响 22

5. 弱小目标光学图像去噪的最优热核带宽选取算法 26

5.1 不同热核带宽对弱小目标和图像信噪比的影响 26

5.1.1 不同热核带宽下的去噪效果 26

5.1.2 光斑尺寸对热核带宽的影响 28

5.2 光斑尺寸的估算方法 30

5.3 实验结果及分析 33

6. 结束语 35

参考文献 35

本科期间发表论文 37

本科期间发表专利 37

相关竞赛成果 37

致 谢 38




Abstract: In this paper, an optical image noise processing method based on heat-kernel is proposed, which uses the feature of the heat-kernel to retain the edge to smooth the noise, to solve the problem that the dim and small target in optical image is easily disturbed by noise. The noise model is built on the random field theoretical model, and the image is smoothed by convolution of heat-kernel and the image. First, the simulative optical image is experimented, and the effectiveness of the algorithm is verified under different noise types and different SNR conditions. Secondly, the actual captured image is processed, and the simulation results are verified through different SNR experiments, which verifies the effectiveness of the algorithm. Compared with the commonly used algorithms, this algorithm greatly improves the signal to noise ratio and the centroid deviation and the RMS are smaller, which proves the high accuracy and superiority of the algorithm. Finally, an optimal heat-kernel bandwidth selection algorithm for the dim and small target in optical image denoising is introduced in this paper. The experiment shows that the algorithm can quickly and effectively select the optimal heat-kernel bandwidth for the target image and get the best denoising effect.

Key words: Heat-kernel; Dim and small target; Optical image; Image smoothing; Optimal heat-kernel Bandwidth Selection Algorithm






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