摘 要
The organ chip is a micro-formatted 3D organ or tissue created for cell culture that uniquely simulate the living environment of an organ or tissue in a corresponding organism. The engineered tissue consists of various types of cells, which are adjacent and interact with each other under closely controlled conditions and are grown in microfluidic chips. These controlled conditions make it possible to simulate complex cell structures and cell interactions within different cell types within the body, and to maintain long-term viability. This, together with comprehensive microscope compatibility, allows real-time monitoring of organ microarrays. The process of cell growth in the model, and can test the physiological characteristics of the relevant tissue according to their own needs.
The purpose of this experiment was to design a 3D myocardial tissue and organ chip and to achieve parameter measurement of myocardial tissue force and electrical student characteristics. Based on 3D printing technology to design and print out 3D myocardial tissue organ die, 3D myocardial tissue and organ chips are obtained through the steps of inverted membrane process, tissue growth layout and electrode design. These include parameters testing and chip preparation process for die size. Exploration. After the preparation of the microarray, the cardiomyocytes were inoculated and cultured, and the growth of myocardial tissue was photographed. The parameters of myocardial tissue force and electrophysiological characteristics were measured by software analysis.
KEY WORDS: 3D printing, Organ-on-a-chip, cardiomyocytes, myocardial contractility, myocardial electrical signals
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 器官芯片 1
1.3 3D打印技术 2
1.3.1 立体光刻成型(SL) 2
1.3.2 多喷嘴成型(MJM) 3
1.3.3 融合沉积成型(FDM) 3
1.3.4 3D打印的应用 4
1.4 心肌与电信号 4
1.4.1 心肌结构 4
1.4.2 心脏传导系统 5
第二章 3D心肌组织器官芯片的设计与制备 8
2.1 器官芯片模具的设计 8
2.2 3D打印模具制造 9
2.2.1 实验3D打印机的介绍 9
2.2.2 SOILDWORKS软件建模 10
2.2.3 3D打印机的使用及打印过程 10
2.2.4 3D心肌组织器官芯片模具尺寸设计 12
2.3 3D心肌组织器官芯片制备工艺流程 14
2.3.1 3D心肌组织器官芯片制备工艺流程探索 14
2.3.2 制备过程的相关问题及解决方案 15
2.3.3 3D心肌组织器官芯片制备工艺具体流程 15
第三章 心肌细胞的培养 16
3.1 心肌细胞的提取 16
3.1.1 小鼠心脏提取心肌细胞 16
3.1.2 IPS心肌细胞制备 16
3.2 3D心肌组织器官芯片进行细胞接种前的处理 16
3.3 3D心肌组织培养 17
3.4 药物测试 17
第四章 3D心肌组织收缩力传感检测 18
4.1 3D心肌组织的收缩力检测方法示例 18
4.2 仿真建模 19
4.2.1 COMSOL软件介绍 19
4.2.2 COMSOL力传感模型仿真 19
4.3 心肌组织收缩力分析 27
4.3.1 MATLAB视频图像分析 27
4.3.2 MATLAB GUI程序 28
4.4 心肌组织力学生理特性测量 29
4.4.1 正常生长下的心肌组织力学生理特性 29
4.4.2 药物作用下的心肌组织力学生理特性 30
第五章 3D心肌组织的电信号传感检测 31
5.1 OpenBCI接口平台 31
5.1.1 Cyton Biosensing Board(8通道) 31
5.1.2 通过OpenBCI测量ECG信号 32
5.2 电阻抗谱仪 32
5.2.1 电阻抗谱仪示波器功能的介绍 32
5.2.2 电阻抗谱仪的示波器测量信号源输出的电信号 33
5.3 心肌组织电学生理特性模拟测量 34
5.4 心肌组织电信号测量参考 34
第六章 结论 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38
附录 39