摘 要
With the increasing of the reliability of products in nowadays, it becomes worth studying that how to conduct a life testing on a sample with long life and high reliability. We cannot attain an authentic reliability prediction result within limited testing time, if we predict the reliability of a product by conventional life testing method. As the result, accelerated life tests(ALT) get rising focus in the field of reliability engineering. So, the ALT data analysis technology and application have been discussed in this paper.
This paper designs an accelerated life tests data analysis program. This program can analyze the ALT data derived from ALT conducted in constant temperature and current density accelerated stress condition. We can input multiple sets of data from different level of stress, and select various life distribution and accelerated life model. It can compute the data and estimate the parameter of life distribution and accelerated life model automatically. It also has the distribution test function, which can help us find the optimal life distribution and accelerated life model easily.
During this process, an algorithm whose name is constant-walk has been raised in this paper, which can find the extreme point of function of several variables. Contrasted with the current version of rand-walk algorithm, it can obtain the results more quickly with only a little loss in accuracy. The model of this algorithm is simple, and it can be used conveniently. With the help of strong processing ability of computer, it can get the extreme point of function of several variables quickly and easily.
In the end, this paper analyses the ALT data of travelling wave tube(TWT) using the software mentioned in this paper, getting the estimate of the parameter of all combination of life distribution and accelerated life model adopted in this program. Through the analysis results of distribution test, this paper gets the optimal combination of life distribution and accelerated life model describing the life distribution condition of TWT.
KEY WORDS: accelerated life test; life distribution; accelerated life model; test data analysis; double stress; constant stress; constant walk method ;TWT
目 录
摘要 ……………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ
目 录 ………………………………………………………………………………Ⅲ
- 绪论 …………………………………………………………………………1
1.1可靠性分析研究进展 ………………………………………………………1
1.1.1可靠性概述 …………………………………………………………1
1.1.2加速可靠性实验 ……………………………………………………2
1.2加速寿命实验研究进展 ……………………………………………………3
1.3行波管可靠性研究概况 ……………………………………………………5
1.4论文主要研究内容 …………………………………………………………6
- 可靠性分析的数理统计基础 ………………………………………………7
2.1可靠性数学表征 ……………………………………………………………7
2.1.1可靠性特征量 ………………………………………………………7
2.1.2常用的寿命分布 ……………………………………………………9
2.1.3常用的加速寿命模型 ……………………………………………16
2.2可靠性寿命分布的参数估计方法 …………………………………………17
2.2.1极大似然估计法 …………………………………………………17
2.2.2指数分布的极大似然估计 ………………………………………18
2.3可靠性寿命分布的图检验方法 …………………………………………19
2.3.1 eCDF VS fCDF法 ………………………………………………19
2.3.2 QQ plot法 …………………………………………………………20
- 加速寿命试验数据分析程序 ……………………………………………22
3.1加速寿命试验数据分析总体流程 ………………………………………22
3.2数据和设置输入界面 ……………………………………………………23
3.3温度、电流密度双应力条件下的对数似然函数 ………………………23
3.3.1指数分布-广义艾伦模型 …………………………………………24
3.3.2指数分布-阿伦尼斯逆幂律乘积模型 ……………………………24
3.3.3指数分布-Fallou模型 ……………………………………………25
3.3.5威布尔分布-阿伦尼斯逆幂律乘积模型 …………………………27
3.3.6威布尔分布-Fallou模型 …………………………………………28
3.4基于constant-walk法的参数估计 …………………………………………29
3.5分布检验与结果展示界面 ………………………………………………30
- 加速寿命试验数据分析程序应用 …………………………………………33
4.1行波管数据处理 …………………………………………………………33
4.1.1数据描述 …………………………………………………………33
4.1.2处理结果 …………………………………………………………33
4.1.3结果分析 …………………………………………………………37
4.2 constant-walk算法与rand-walk算法在实际应用中的比较试验…………37
4.2.1试验说明 …………………………………………………………37
4.2.2试验结果 …………………………………………………………38
4.2.3结果分析 …………………………………………………………39
总结与展望 …………………………………………………………………………40
致谢 …………………………………………………………………………………41
参考文献(References) ……………………………………………………………42
- 绪 论