
 2022-01-19 23:58:13


目 录

1绪论 1

1.1论文研究的背景和意义 1

1.2研究历史及现状 1

1.3研究内容 2

2雷达测角原理 3

2.1相位法测角 3

2.2振幅法测角 4

2.2.1最大信号法 4

2.2.2等信号法 6

3 基于多阵元天线阵的测角方法 8

3.1相位法测角分辨率改进分析 8

3.1.1测角范围改进分析 9

3.1.2测角精度改进分析 10

3.2三阵元雷达测角可行性分析 11

3.3相位差计算方法 13

3.4基于三阵元的改进型空间测角 13

4三阵元雷达测角仿真及分析 15

4.1 仿真一:噪声对相位法测角的影响 16

4.2 仿真二:阵元1、2间距对测角的影响 17

4.3 仿真三:目标角度对阵元1、2测角误差的影响 19

4.4 仿真四:阵元1、3间距对测角的影响 21

4.5 仿真五:目标角度对阵元1、3测角误差的影响 23

4.6 仿真六:二维排布阵列算法的可行性仿真 25

5总结和展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30

附录 31




Abstract:This paper mainly focuses on the measurement of target space angle information using less antenna array elements based on phase difference angle measurement and how to improve the accuracy of angle measurement. In this paper, firstly, the basic principles of phase measurement method and amplitude measurement angle measurement method are briefly described, and the implementation process and performance of the phase measurement method are analyzed in detail. On this basis, the multi-element unequal pitch distribution is adopted to achieve the purpose of improving the accuracy of angle measurement and eliminating false targets. Then, the simultaneous detection of the azimuth and pitch angle of the target in space is analyzed using the two-dimensional array of arrays. Finally, the above algorithm was verified by computer matlab simulation. The simulation analysis results show that the multi-unit element angle measurement method with two-dimensional unequally spaced distribution can realize the simultaneous measurement of azimuth and pitch angle, and can eliminate the multi-value problem in the calculation of the target angle.

Key words:Radar angle measurement; Angle measurement by phase method; Maximum signal method




雷达(英文Radio Detection and Ranging的缩写)是无线电通信技术诞生之后才发展起来的一种武器装备。它能够将电磁能量聚集在天线上并辐射到空中,方向与天线方向图有关[1-3]。如果发射的信号遇到探测物,就会有少量电磁波反射到天线上,天线通过对回波信号进行分析,能够获得探测物的距离、方向和形状等信息。无线电通讯技术是在1895-1896年左右由意大利的马可尼和俄国的波波夫发展的,它的本质是一种电磁波。1897年波波夫和助手在海上做无线电通信实验,两人在两艘舰船上探测收发信号,波波夫发现如果两艘船之间经过第三艘船阻挡了信号,另一艘船将收不到信号。波波夫认为无线电通信信号作为一种能量不会无故消失,阻挡的信号必然传到其他方向。多次实验后他提出能否用电磁波探测物体,这也正是雷达的雏形。许多科学家加入这场实验,经过不断努力,到20世纪30年代,一批又一批能进行实际应用的雷达系统研发成功了。




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