
 2022-01-26 11:55:48


摘 要



The Study of the Dynamic Traffic Grooming Scheduling in Wavelength Division Multiplexing Optical Network


In this thesis, the dynamic bussiness integration scheduling in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical network are studied.The WDM optical network is one of the most widely used optical network.In our real life, the coming business requests are random and dynamic.To deal with the dynamic business, we need to solve the routing and spectrum allocation problem,which we call a RWA problem. In this paper, we have analysed 3 algorithms ,the 3algorithms are:1.The Classical RWA Algorithm:Set up a new lightpath between the source node and the destination node. 2.The Shortest Path Algorithm:.If there is a lightpath which can carry this flow, we distribute this request on the lightpath, if not, a new lightpath is set up; 3.Grafting Algorithm: On the basis of the second king of algorithm, it combined with another distribution method, this method adopt a intermediate node, and between the source node and the intermadiate node, we use a existing lightpath, the remaining part we set up a new lightpath,or between the source node and the intermadiate node, we set up a new lightpath, the remaining part we use a existing lightpath. We analyzed and studied the influence of the 3 algorithms on the network performance, and compared the results with each other, found that the blocking rates of the second and the third algorithm are smaller than the first algorithm. At the same time, we have studied the influence of the number of transponder, found that when the quantity of transponders increase gradually,the blocking rate decrease and the resource utilization rate increase, and the decrease or increase rate tends to samll. When increases to a certain number,this effect change is constant.

Key Words: wavelength division multiplexing, dynamic traffic, grooming scheduling, lightpath,blocking rate,resource utilization rate

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 动态业务整合调度的相关研究 3

1.3 本文的研究 4

第二章 模型的建立 5

2.1 光网络结构模型 5

2.1.1 网络物理拓扑phys 结构 5

2.1.2 网络状态netState结构 6

2.1.3 TrafficMatrix 7

2.1.4 EON_NOWC网络拓扑模型 8

2.1.5 收发机transponder 8

2.2业务产生模型 9

2.3 事件循环EventLoop 10

2.3.1 到达事件 10

2.3.2 结束事件 11

2.4网络负载率 11

2.5连接阻塞率和资源利用率 13

第三章 动态业务整合调度算法 14

3.1经典RWA算法 14

3.2二步生成算法 14

3.3嫁接法 16

3.3.1 先用后建 16

3.3.2 先建后用 17

第四章 仿真及结果分析 19

4.1仿真结果 21

4.2结果及结果分析 22

4.2.1 负载率对阻塞率的影响 23

4.2.2 收发机数量对阻塞率的影响 24

第五章 总结 25

致谢 27

参考文献 28

第一章 绪 论



在光网络中,采用最多的技术是波分复用技术(Wavelength Division Multiplexing,简称WDM),采用波分复用技术的光网络也叫做WDM光网络。波分复用技术是利用多个激光器在在同一条光纤上同时发送多条不同波长激光,信号经过调制后能在各自独有的色带内进行传输。如下图所示:


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