
 2022-01-17 23:19:20


目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 2

1绪论 3

1.1 研究背景和意义 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.3 本文主要研究内容 3

2射频功率放大器基本理论 4

2.1 射频功率放大器性能指标 4

2.1.1 效率 4

2.1.2 增益 5

2.1.3 稳定性 5

2.1.4 带宽 6

2.1.5 输出功率 6

2.2 匹配网络设计 7

2.2.1 集总参数阻抗匹配 7

2.2.2 分布参数阻抗匹配 7

2.2.3 混合参数阻抗匹配 8

2.3 功率放大器的分类 8

2.3.1 A类功率放大器 8

2.3.2 B类功率放大器 8

2.3.3 C类功率放大器 8

3功率放大器的设计 8

3.1 功率放大器设计简述 8

3.1.1 设计要求 8

3.1.2 功率放大器设计的一般步骤 9

3.1.3 元器件的选择 9

3.2 功率放大器的仿真 10

3.2.1 功率放大器的设计参数 10

3.2.2 功率放大电路模块设计 10

3.2.3 稳定性分析 14

3.2.4 匹配网络设计 16

3.2.5 整体电路优化 20

4功率放大器测试 24

4.1 测试PCB板设计 24

4.1.1 射频PCB板材选取 24

4.1.2 PCB板图设计 24

4.2 测试结果及分析 27

4.2.1 电路测试结果 28

4.2.2 测试结果分析 29

5总结 30

参考文献 31

致谢 32



Abstract: The function of the power amplifier is to enlarge the signal, and the modulated frequency circuit will radiate the signal to the space. Nowadays, with the continuous development of communication technology, the demand for RF circuits is increasing, the modern communication industry needs more and more power amplifiers, so the development of studying power amplifiers, which enables them to use in the communications industry, is very important.

The design of the power amplifier is mainly based on ads simulation, and simulation design is carried out through the software model provided by the manufacturer. Ads can provide a variety of simulation measures. This article uses the S-parameter model provided by the manufacturer and design the power amplifier through the s parameter simulation on the transistor. In order to make sure that can be used in the field of communication, this topic select 900MHz as the central frequency, using Qorvo Company's AH125 power amplifier transistor. The design process of the matching circuit is discussed emphatically, and the detailed design process of a 900Mz power amplifier with gain greater than 18dB and flatness less than 2 is described, and the test results are also given.

This article is divided into the following points, first with the power amplifier indicators, it introduces the technical indicators of power amplifier, and then discusses the analysis of the power amplifier parameters on the performance of the impact of the design to lay a foundation. During the design, the use of ADS simulation software powerful function of the transistor modeling simulation, so that not only can quickly analyze the stability of the transistor, but also the ads built in the simulation module, the input output impedance matching circuit optimization. Using Altium Designer software to design the layout of PCB, by measuring the performance index of physical objects and comparing with the expected index, ADS software simulation is of great significance to the design of power amplifier, the actual test results meet the expected target requirements, and the software design amplifier is basically the same as the actual implementation.

Keywords: ADS simulation; power amplifier ;900MHz


1.1 研究背景和意义

当下是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代。进入信息时代以来,各种各样的技术飞速发展,从物联网到人工智能,人们越来越离不开网络。网络技术飞速发展,这也对通信技术提出了更高的要求。从最初的有线通信到现在日益成熟的无线通信,功率放大器在其中都起着至关重要的作用。特别是无线数字通信的成熟使得发射机的重要性显得十分突出,而发射机中重要级靠前的是功率放大器。发射机的作用是把信号辐射到空间中,要使得辐射的信号能顺利被接受,功率放大器的性能就很重要 [1]。所以本文采用通讯行业最基本的频率900MHz为设计目标,旨在设计出能运用于通讯领域的功率放大器。


1.2 国内外研究现状

国外对于宽带放大器领域的研究较早。早在二十世纪20年代的时候,外国科学家们就已经发现了半导体较之真空管的优越性。加拿大的科学家Julius Edlilingfeld对场效应晶体管进行学术研究并申请相关专利;10年之后,德国科学家Oscar Hale也申请了晶体管的相关专利。相对于真空管而言,晶体管凭借着更小体积、更小质量、更高效率、更低工作电压等种种优势,慢慢取代了真空管在电子设备中的垄断地位[2]。采用双极性晶体管(BJT)以及场效应晶体管(FET)为功放管的各类放大器,被用在各类传播电子设备之中。20世纪60年代,基于砷化镓(GaAs)的功率放大器普遍见于电话、收音机、电视机等电子设备之中[3]


1.3 本文主要研究内容


  1. 工作频段:850MHz至1GHz
  2. 工作电压:5V
  3. 工作电流:150mA
  4. 增益度:gt;18dB
  5. 增益平坦度:lt;2dB





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