
 2022-08-04 09:25:35


摘 要





In the general sense, most researchers are focused on having high-efficiency spectrum, which is mostly due to the resource constraints of the wireless spectrum and the increase in the number of users' index. This results in a huge demand for capacity. However, if the network wants to achieve higher spectral efficiency, its solution is often to use various methods to increase energy consumption. Its impact is not only that the total amount of energy consumed by the network is greatly increased, but also likely to result in a large amount of research resources. Waste, and with the further concern of contemporary people and government for sustainable development, how to further increase energy efficiency on the basis of reducing energy consumption has become a very important branch and field in the research of contemporary collaborative communication energy consumption. The issue of energy consumption and optimization in collaborative communication is discussed in this paper.

we address the problem of the coordinated beamforming design for multi-cell multiple input single output (MISO) downlink system subject to per-BS power constraints. The objective is taken as the maximization of the minimum signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR), while a complete analysis of the duality between the multi-cell downlink and the virtual uplink optimization problems is provided. A hierarchical iterative scheme is proposed to solve the virtual uplink optimization problem, whose solution is then converted to derive the one of the multi-cell downlink beamforming problem. The proposed algorithm is proved to converge to a stable point. Additional, the complexity of the proposed algorithm is analyzed. Simulation results show that, in contrast to existing multi-cell beamforming schemes, the proposed algorithm achieves better performance in terms of both rate per energy (RPE) and the worst-user rate.

KEY WORDS: Multi-cell beamforming, Lagrangian duality theory, max-min SINR, min-max SINR, hierarchical iterative algorithm.

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 2

1.1 研究背景与意义 2

1.1.1 协作通信诞生背景与基本原理 2

1.1.2 协作通信在蜂窝网络中的运用 4

1.2 本文研究内容和安排 5

1.2.1 研究内容 5

1.2.2 章节安排 5

第二章 能效优化技术概览 6

2.1 能效优化技术应用的多个系统背景 6

2.1.1 大规模MIMO背景下的能效优化 6

2.1.2 统计特性下多天线能效优化 8

2.1.3 中继通信模式下的能效优化 8

2.2 能效优化的准则 8

2.2.1 最大化系统容量 8

2.2.2 最小化发射功率 9

2.2.3 最大化能效(速率与功率比) 9

第三章 上下行对偶链路中的能效优化问题 10

3.1 系统模型 10

3.1.1 系统模型建立 10

3.2 利用对偶性解决下行链路能耗优化问题 11

3.2.1 上行链路和下行链路传输之间的最大 - 最小SINR对偶性 11

3.2.2 上行链路最优问题及其证明 11

3.2.3 下行链路优化及其证明 16

3.3 多信源聚束算法设计 16

3.3.1 虚拟上行链路和聚束的优化 17

3.3.2 下行链路的优化 17

3.3.3 虚拟上行链路噪声能量的优化 18

3.3.4 分级迭代算法及其证明 19

3.4 仿真结果 20

第四章 大规模MIMO中的能效优化策略研究 26

4.1 系统模型 27

4.2 能效资源分配 29

4.2.1 直接算法 29

4.2.2 间接算法 30

4.3 仿真结果 31

4.4 小结 36

第五章 总结 37

致谢 38

参考文献 39

附录 41




协作通信技术(Cooperative Communication,CC)在现代无线通信传输技术领域有着极其重要的地位。现代社会在多媒体领域迅速发展,例如在线聊天,在线语音,在线视频,互联网APP的交互,人们有着更多的机会去娱乐,购物,满足日益增加的文化娱乐需求。同时,所有以上领域的蓬勃发展都对数据传输产生了巨大的需求。无线通信技术从2G,3G发展到如今大规模使用的4G,而5G技术也即将投入商用,所有这些技术的发展,不仅仅是因为人们对于数据无线传输速率的高要求,同时,频谱资源的稀缺也对无线传输技术的效率提出了更高的要求。

作为目前移动通信技术(LTE)的进一步衍生,多输入多输出(MIMO)技术应运而生,其原理是利用分集方面的增益,配合一定的空间上的复用,可以一定程度上提高无线信道的可靠性和稳定性,同时加大容量,并且能够降低整个传输过程中的误码率,在整个过程中并不需要额外占用频谱资源或者更大的传输功率,可以说MIMO的出现对整个无线传输技术有着巨大的意义。但是由于在实现过程中,理论的实现硬件过于复杂,其大小对于具体使用并不足够方便,对MIMO技术的发展产生了不利的影响。作为MIMO技术的进一步发展,在1998年,人们提出了协作通信技术(Cooperative Communication,CC)[1],见下图1.1


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