
 2022-08-04 09:25:49


摘 要





Following 802.11n, 802.11ac has become the latest wireless LAN protocol, its bandwidth is two to three times that of 802.11n, and it has good compatibility. Today it has been widely used in wireless LANs. Modern communication, multi-antenna technology and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing have been the focus of scholars' research. The core idea of ​​a MIMO system is to obtain different gains in the spatial domain by combining different types of signals at the transmitting end and the receiving end, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing the channel capacity, reducing the bit error rate, and effectively reducing the channel fading. OFDM uses orthogonality between subcarriers to reduce inter-symbol interference and overcome selective channel fading.

In addition, this paper introduces a multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technique with adaptive multi-user subcarrier allocation and adaptive modulation. Assuming that all users know the instantaneous channel gain, in order to minimize the total transmit power, the scheme considers assigning a group of subcarriers to a user share to determine its transmit power and number of bits. In this way, an algorithm for allocating power, subcarriers, and bits under multiuser orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is formed. The performance of the algorithm is then obtained in a multi-user frequency selective fading environment for various time delay spread values ​​and different numbers of users. The results show that the proposed scheme outperforms multiuser OFDM systems with static time division multiple access (TDMA) or frequency division multiple access (FDMA) technology with fixed and predetermined time slot or subcarrier allocation schemes. The study also quantifies the overall required transmit power, the improvement in the coverage area for error rate (BER) or given outage probability.

KEY WORDS: WLAN, MIMO, OFDM, AMC, subcarrier, power, bit, allocation, QoS


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 WLAN 1

1.1.1 WLAN的概念 1

1.1.2 WLAN历史及现状 1

1.1.3 WLAN的连接形式 1

1.2 IEEE 802.11ac 1

1.2.1 特点总结 2

1.2.2 调制方式 2

1.3 MIMO-OFDM简介 2

1.4 本论文章节结构 3

第二章 多天线技术(MIMO) 4

2.1 MIMO 4

2.1.1 系统模型 4

2.1.2 信道容量 6

2.2 多用户MIMO 6

第三章 OFDM技术 8

3.1 OFDM基本原理 8

3.2 正交频分复用系统模型 8

第四章 OFDM系统自适应调制与编码技术 10

4.1 系统模型 10

4.2 单用户信道的BIT分配算法 11

4.3 多用户子目录和位分配 12

4.4 性能比较 16

第五章 总结 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24




WLAN既Wireless Local Area Network,无线局域网。结合无线通信和计算机网络,通过无线技术,在空中进行话音及视频等信号的数据传输。应用WLAN互联不同区域的网络设备,形成联通的网络架构,来完成数据和信息的交互、共享。因为无线局域网也具备过去的有线局域网具备的一切效果,这就让局域网架构和网络设备变得愈发自由。



在1970年到1990年间,以太局域网络飞速成型,WLAN依靠它不需要物理联通 、自由度高等特点很快普及开来。那个年代的WLAN设备都是构建在IEEE802.3协议,因此信噪比难以提高、通信过慢、不同网络设备无法兼容等一系列弊端,使得WLAN的应用范围难以扩大。


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