
 2022-08-08 09:34:47


摘 要


介绍了超宽带通信技术原理,对于DS-UWB物理层设计进行讨论。根据超宽带通信系统的特征,展开对于UWB在无线Ad hoc网络中的应用场景分析。对UWB系统中的媒介访问控制(MAC)协议进行分类比较研究,针对超宽带WPAN的应用环境对于MAC协议的功能要求和现有几种MAC协议的性能缺陷与优势进行研究。提出了UWB MAC协议的性能优化设计目标。

对于UWB MAC仿真过程提出了方案设计,基于ECMA-368标准对于UWB MAC协议的软件实现进行程序框架的设计。在Linux平台上进行UWB MAC协议的仿真实现与性能评估。基于无线自组网络研究了超宽带通信系统的组网协议。比较了基于位置信息(LAR)的路由协议与最新提出的基于网络拓扑学的移动代理组网方案并进行性能讨论。在Linux平台上基于动态源路由(DSR)完成设备入网及组网过程的软件仿真实现。

关键词:超宽带,无线个域网,MAC,Ad hoc


Ultra-wideband communication systems are based on carrier-less sinusoidal narrow-band pulse transmission technology and are mostly used to achieve wireless communication between dense media devices in wireless personal area networks (WPANs) at ultra-high data rates. This article analyzes the development track, current research status, and future prospects of UWB communication systems.

The principle of UWB communication technology is introduced, and the design of DS-UWB physical layer is discussed. According to the characteristics of the ultra-wideband communication system, the application scenarios of UWB in wireless Ad hoc networks are developed. The classification and comparison of Media Access Control (MAC) protocol in UWB system is studied. The functional requirements of MAC protocol and the performance defects and advantages of several existing MAC protocols are studied for the application environment of UWB WPAN. The performance optimization design goal of UWB MAC protocol is proposed. For the UWB MAC simulation process, a scheme design is proposed.

Based on the ECMA-368 standard, the program framework of the UWB MAC protocol is designed. UWB MAC protocol simulation implementation and performance evaluation on Linux platform. Based on wireless ad hoc network, the networking protocol of UWB communication system is studied. The routing protocol based on location information (LAR) and the newly proposed mobile agent networking scheme based on network topology were compared and performance discussion was conducted. In the Linux platform based on dynamic source routing (DSR) to complete the equipment network and networking process software simulation.



摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景和研究意义 1

1.2 UWB通信技术介绍 2

1.3 基于UWB通信系统的Ad Hoc网络介绍 3

1.4 各个章节的内容介绍 4

第二章 基于UWB通信系统MAC协议研究 6

2.1 UWB MAC协议分类与性能优化讨论 6

2.2 基于IEEE 802.15.3协议的UWB MAC研究 8

2.3 基于ECMA-368与ECMA-369协议的UWB MAC研究 10

第三章 基于UWB通信系统MAC协议的Linux设计与实现 12

3.1 UWB MAC协议软件框架设计 12

3.2 信标协议的设计 15

3.3 发送模块的设计 16

第四章 基于UWB通信系统的Ad Hoc网络DSR路由协议设计与实现 19

4.1 基于UWB的Ad hoc网络结构 19

4.1.1 基于位置信息的路由方案 19

4.1.2 基于移动代理(Topology Discovery Mobile Agent)的拓扑发现方案 22

4.2 DSR路由协议设计 23

4.2.1 DSR功能目标 23

4.2.2 DSR功能模块实现 24

4.2.3 DSR协议的软件实现与分析 25

致谢 27

参考文献 28



UWB(Ultra Wideband)通过纳秒以下单周期的极窄脉冲在较宽的频谱(3100-10600Mhz频段)上传送功耗比较低的信号。UWB在室内的范围中实现了无载波的正弦信号的传输,并能够保持较高的数据速率(性能极限为几百兆比特每秒到几吉比特每秒)。

超宽带通信具有满足实现低功耗高数据速率传输技术市场的发展前景。即使最初的关于超宽带传输的想法能够追溯到19世纪90年代末期的第一个无限通信系统,UWB仍然被归类为最前沿的通信技术[1] 。在短距离无线通信的环境下,例如室内或者个域网及家庭无线网络环境中,媒体设备的数量和种类不断增加,手机、个人电脑、数码相机、电视机等等的快速更新换代,促成了短距离内无线通信环境高带宽和有效媒介交换的要求。UWB具有巨大的使用带宽,较高的数据传输效率,并且抗干扰能力强,功耗较低,因此也获得了成为广泛采用的短距离无线电解决方案的机会[2][3]


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