目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2液相氧化研究现状 2
1.3 本实验研究的目的及意义 2
第二章 实验过程 3
2.1实验仪器及试剂 3
2.2 实验过程 4
2.2.1 实验试剂的配制 4
2.2.2 实验步骤 4
2.3 实验样品的测定 5
2.3.1 样品的在线测定 5
2.3.2 样品的离线测定 6
第三章 实验结果与分析 8
3.1 甲氧基对苯二酚反应降解规律 8
3.1.1前体物降解规律 8
3.1.2 确定反应物降解常数(kd)及半数反应时间 8
3.2反应产物的光学性质 9
3.2.1 光谱图分析 9
3.2.2 分析其质量吸收系数(MAC) 10
3.3反应产物的氧化程度 11
3.3.1质谱图分析及不同氧化物的影响 11
3.4 反应产率分析 12
3.4.1比较反应产物的O/C、H/C、OSc 12
3.4.2 分析产物的f44vsf43图及VK图 13
第四章 总结与展望 15
4.1本实验主要结论 15
4.2本实验的不足与展望 15
参考文献 16
致谢 18
, China
Abstract: Biomass combustion products play an important role in atmospheric aerosols, and are also one of the important sources of aerosols. In the atmosphere, after various physical or chemical processes to form secondary organic aerosols, the atmospheric liquid phase reactions have been discovered. The aqSOA generated in the reaction in the liquid phase in the atmosphere may be one of the important routes of SOA in the atmosphere, but its laws are still unknown. This experiment simulates the photochemical reaction of methoxyquinone (MHQ) with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (3,4-DMB), simultaneously The methoxy hydroquinone solution without any oxidizing agent is directly subjected to very liquid photochemical reaction itself, and the product is used offline (including HPLC, UV-VIS and total organic Carbon analyzer (TOC) and on-line (Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (SP-AMS)) series of analytical methods determined the reaction kinetics, product light absorption properties, oxidation properties, and yields as follows:
(1) MHQ in the liquid phase forms a triplet excited state under light irradiation conditions and undergoes direct photodegradation reaction. The reaction rate was almost unchanged after adding 3,4-DMB or H 2 O 2 . In the liquid phase photochemical reaction of MHQ, the reaction rate after the addition of oxidant hydrogen peroxide and 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde is very similar to the rate of direct photodegradation reaction.
(2) In the three reactions of MHQ, the absorbance of the reaction product of MHQ and OH in the 300-600 nm band has almost no change with time. The absorbance of MHQ and 3,4-DMB and direct photodegradation reaction increases with the reaction time.
(3) The mass spectrogram of MHQ reaction process shows that the fragmentation process plays a major role in the reaction process; during the reaction, Both O/C and OSc increase with time, while H/C decreases with time, indicating that the oxidation of the reaction product increases over time in the liquid photochemical reaction of MHQ..
(4) The value of the structure of the reaction product of MHQ and oxidant/SO 4 increases with the increase of the reaction time, which means that there is a continuous production of organic substances during the reaction,MHQ yields range from 110 to 130% with high yields.
Key words: Secondary organic aerosol, Aqueous phase oxidation, Methoxy hydroquinone