目 录
1、引言 1
2、材料与方法 1
2.1仪器与试剂 1
2.2PM10分级样品采集及PAHs分析方法 2
2.3气象资料处理 2
2.4目标化合物清单 2
2.5质量保证与质量控制 2
3、分析与讨论 3
3.1 PAHs在大气中的分布特征 3
3.2 PAHs分布特征的昼夜变化 5
4、结论 11
参考文献 11
致谢 13
Abstract:In order to study the distribution and day and night changes of PAHs in the Xiamen suburb of Xiamen, the aerosol samples collected from 11 to 14 in April 2013 were analyzed by GC-MS, and the concentration of 18 kinds of PAHs in the suburb of Xiamen was obtained. In this paper, the distribution characteristics of PAHs in spring PM10 in Xiamen are studied. It is found that the concentration of middle and low rings PAHs in the suburbs of Xiamen accounts for a large proportion. And the concentration of phenanthrene (Phe, 3-Rings) accounts for a large proportion in low rings concentration. After statistical processing and testing, it is proved that the concentration of phenanthrene (Phe) can be an indicator of the total PAHs concentration.
PAHs concentration showed double peak distribution with particle size increasing. Low rings PAHs mainly exist on fine particles, while high rings PAHs only exist on coarse particles. Because of the change of meteorological elements between day and night, the aging effect of night particles is more obvious. In order to meet the phase equilibrium, there is a slight difference between the high and low rings PAHs on the large particle side, the peak degree tends to be slow and the PAHs in the high and low rings were slightly different in the extent of passing between day and night in double peak.
In general, the concentration of PAHs in high rings is characterized by "night high and low day", while low rings PAHs show "day high and night low". At the same time, PAHs concentration is easily affected by changes in meteorological elements: The concentration of high rings PAHs showed a highly positive correlation with the reciprocal of temperature. The wind and wind speed in conjunction with the sea and land position play an important role in air cleaning and pollution. The wind speed and direction in the weather process can affect the concentration of high and low rings. Especially when the concentration of high rings PAHs at night increased, the concentration of low rings PAHs was more obvious. In addition to the weather situation, the obvious geographical and sea breeze is also one of the reasons for the diurnal variation of concentration.
Key words:PAHs;Xiamen; Suburb of Xiamen; Spring atmosphere; distribution characteristics; Diurnal change
存在于大气环境中的颗粒物能够携带大量有毒有害的物质,通过人类的呼吸作用进入人体的呼吸道、肺泡,甚至血液系统,而后对生物体造成很大的破坏。有不少相关研究均表明了可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、尤其是细颗粒物(PM2.5)中有机组分的比例超过了30%,而其中多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)是重要的组成部分[5]。多环芳烃指的是含有两个以上苯环的碳氢化合物,其具有高脂溶性和相对低的水溶性,是一种具持久性的有机污染物(POPs)[11]。多环芳烃还具有挥发性,能够挥发至大气环境当中,并在自然环境中进行远距离的传输,从而威胁人类的健康。一直以来,多环芳烃由于其不易降解又具有较大的危害性而受到了人们广泛的关注。多环芳烃的危害在于其潜在的毒性,对生物致畸、致癌与致突变有着一定的影响,同时多环芳烃可以和大气中的某些物质发生化学反应从而生成芳烃类衍生物,比如硝基PAHs、羟基PAHs等等,而这些化合物也能够甚至更能够对人体造成危害。多环芳烃还具有挥发性,能够挥发至环境当中。自然的大气环境中多环芳烃能够通过生物降解、水解与光作用裂解等等方式进行消除以达到一种平衡的状态。但是人类愈来愈频繁而大量的生产活动已经打破了这种自然条件下源汇的动态平衡。现今,随着工业的快速发展,城市人口与交通密度正在快速地增长,在城市附近大气环境中的多环芳烃更多地来源于人类活动,而通过自然活动(如火山喷发、森林燃烧、生物合成等)却只占了偏少的一部分。大量的排放造成了多环芳烃在大气中的含量急剧上升。在大气中的多环芳烃多数吸附在粒径小于10μm的颗粒物上,高分子量的多环芳烃则更是如此。因此,研究PM10中多环芳烃的浓度、粒径分布和来源,在对由颗粒物中多环芳烃造成的各种影响所起到的有效的控制作用是十分重要的。
2.1 仪器与试剂
本次研究采集大气气溶胶所使用的仪器是气溶胶粒度分布采样器(FA-3型,辽阳康洁仪器研究所,分级粒子的切割粒径段:<0.43、0.43~0.65、0.65~1.1、1.1~2.1、2.1~3.3、3.3~4.7、4.7~5.8、5.8~9.0、>9.0μm,流速28.3 L/min),分别对应检测结果中的九级膜采样;称重时使用电子微量天平(MX5,METTLER TOLEDO公司,最大称量值5.1g,最小刻度1μg);分析则选择气相色谱-质谱仪(GC-MS);17种PAHs混合标准样(2000μg/mL,美国SUPELCO公司),Benzo(e) pyrene标样(100μg/mL,Dr.Ehrensorfer公司);二氯甲烷(农残分析级,德CNW公司),实验中所用的其余试剂均为分析纯或优于分析纯;采样选择的滤膜为玻璃纤维滤膜(Φ=80mm,孔径=0.22μm,上海兴亚净化材料厂) ,采样之前要把滤膜放在马弗炉中以450℃焙烧4h,用以消除可能存在的有机物,这之后将滤膜密封至铝箔中以备用。滤膜要分别在采样的前、后平衡称重,置于温度维持-20℃的冰箱中避光保存至分析。
2.2 PM10分级样品采集及PAHs分析方法