
 2022-01-20 00:17:05


目 录

摘要 III

Abstract IV

第一章 引言 1

1.1国内外研究的历史和现状 1

1.1.1国外的研究历史和现状 1

1.1.2国内的研究历史和现状 1

1.2研究目的和意义 1

第二章 双线偏振雷达简介 2

2.1双线偏振雷达的探测原理 2

2.1.1双线偏振雷达探测原理 2

2.1.2 双线偏振多普勒天气雷达的工作方式 2

2.2双偏振雷达的偏振量 2

2.2.1差分反射率因子 2

2.2.2双程差分传播相位差 3

2.2.3双程差分传播相位常数 3

2.2.4相关系数 3

2.2.5线性退偏振比 3

第三章 C波段双偏振雷达的衰减订正 3

3.1 DP方法 4

3.2 Z-PHI方法 4

3.3自约束方法(SWCW法) 5

第四章 个例分析 6

4.1个例一 6

4.1.1DP法 6

4.1.2 Z-PHI法 7

4.1.3 SWCW法 7

4.1.4对比分析 8

4.2个例二 9

4.2.1DP法 10

4.1.2 Z-PHI法 10

4.2.3 SWCW法 11

4.2.4对比分析 12

第五章 展望与总结 12

5.1结论 12

5.2问题以及展望 13

5.3创新点 13

参考文献 13

致谢 15





The radar equation assumes spherical particles, but actually the particles are not always spherical, so dual-polarization radars have been introduced. Compared with conventional Doppler weather radar, dual-polarization radar can better describe the particle size, shape, precipitation type, etc., can distinguish meteorological and non-meteorological echoes, and can better remove the anomalous spread, features and sea miscellaneous waves and other non-meteorological echoes It can also accurately estimate precipitation.

C-band dual-polarization radar has important application and reference value in improving the accuracy of rain measurement, detecting and warning hail region, and accurately identifying the phase of precipitation particles, but the attenuation encountered by C-band radar in the detection process cannot be avoided. This makes attenuation correction even more important.

In this paper, two completely different cases are selected. For the two cases, the attenuation corrections of the three currently mainstream polarimetric radar attenuation correction methods are used. In this paper, it is considered that the attenuation of S-band radar echoes is negligible, that is, S-band radar echoes are considered to be more realistic. The values of the corrected reflectivity of the three algorithms are compared with the S-band radar reflectivity.

Through the analysis of this paper, these three mainstream revision methods have obvious effects and are better than the results before revision. However, there are still some differences between the three methods. For different types of precipitation to get the best correction effect, the methods used are different. The experimental results show that the DP method has the best effect of attenuation correction for convective cloud precipitation, and the stratified cloud uses the self-constraint method (SWCW) for the best effect.

Key words:C-band dual-polarization radar,attenuation correction,DP attention correction algorithm,Z-PHI attention correction algorithm,self-constraint attention correction algorithm (SWCW)

第一章 引言



雷达技术被应用与气象部门大约是从第二次时间大战后开始的,至今已有60多年历史。由于降水资料被气象部门广泛的应用,使得估测区域降水被作为天气雷达观测数据应用的一个重要方向。自19世纪50年代开始,雷达定量估测降水的研究不断深入、业务不断改进和发展,雷达气象成为一门学科。许多国家先后建立了天气雷达探测站网,将天气雷达用于强灾害天气预警[1]。英国在1980年初进行了常规雷达业务布网。美国与1990年初进行了天气多普勒雷达业务布网(160部),美国在2013年4月底完成了对149部雷达的改装, WSR-88D被统一升级为双线偏振雷达。








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