
 2022-08-31 09:47:18


摘 要






With the rapid development of information science, it is more and more important to build up spatial database in which road information plays an important role. Therefore, automatically generate road vector data in low cost has been paid more and more attention. The development and popularization of online map service makes the network map tiles become an important source of vector data. This dissertation presents a automatic method to generate road vector data from the OpenStreetMap color tile map. Finally, a system is developed and implemented by utilizing these methods proposed in the dissertation for the purpose of testing and evaluation.

The whole research process is roughly divided into three parts: road pixels extraction, vector data tracking and vector data post-processing. Distinct colors commonly represent different layers in a raster map, such as roads, buildings and labels. Different types of road pixels are extracted according to the color scheme in the first phase. The zhang-suen thinning algorithm is used to refine road skeleton line for vectorization. Finally, the road vector data is modified to get precise road information in the region of interest.

This dissertation presents a general technique that extracts road vector data from raster map tiles without user input in low cost. This technique utilize variety methods to synthetically reduce the impact of noise. Using the vectorization system to test a variety of images based on the characteristics of map tiles, the results achieve an high completeness and correctness. Thus the technique has a strong practicability and superiority. It could be further optimized, improved and being popularized.

Keywords:map tiles; image processing; automatically vectorization;

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 地图矢量化的研究 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 栅格数据矢量化的进展 1

1.2 瓦片地图矢量化的研究和发展 2

1.2.1 瓦片地图简介 2

1.2.2 瓦片地图的矢量化的特点 3

1.3 论文框架 4

1.3.1 论文的研究内容 4

1.3.2 论文的技术路线 5

1.3.3 论文的组织结构 6

第二章 数据预处理 7

2.1 基本概念 7

2.1.1 栅格数据和矢量数据 7

2.1.2 栅格数据转矢量数据 8

2.1.3 像素间的关系 8

2.2 瓦片拼接 9

2.3 道路像素的提取 9

2.3.1 基于颜色的分级道路像素提取 10

2.3.2 基于道路特性的路网像素提取 11

2.4 噪声消除的方法 12

2.4.1 孔洞噪声的消除方法 13

2.4.2 文字注记造成的断路重连方法 13

2.4.3 水系噪声的消除方案 15

2.4.4 过渡色边界噪声的消除方法 15

第三章 瓦片地图的矢量化 17

3.1 矢量化算法介绍 17

3.2 细化提取骨架线 17

3.3 二值图像的矢量化跟踪 18

3.4 矢量数据的编辑 21

第四章 实验分析 22

4.1 开发平台 22

4.1.1 VS2010开发环境 22

4.1.2 开源地图控件MapWinGIS 23

4.2 实验数据 23

4.3 系统设计 23

4.3.1 界面设计 23

4.3.2 功能设计 24

4.4 算法实现 25

4.4.1 道路像素的提取算法实现 25

4.4.2 矢量化算法 29

4.4.3 矢量数据编辑功能实现 31

4.5 VecExtraction搭建过程中的问题 32

4.5.1 研究思路的选择 32

4.5.2 运行效率问题 33

4.5.3 提取方法的不足 33

4.6 其他数据测试效果 34

4.6.1 缩放等级为12的数据测试 34

4.6.2 缩放等级为14的数据测试 35

4.6.3 缩放等级为17的数据测试 37

第五章 总结和展望 38

5.1 总结 38

5.2 展望 38

致 谢 40

参考文献 41

附录 42







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