
 2022-02-15 22:05:55


摘 要

伴随着我国经济的迅速发展和现代化进程,交通网络的建设逐步完善。人们的出行量加大,对于自身空间信息的需求也逐步加大。与此同时,移动通信技术的发展促成了移动智能终端的全面普及,而在诸多移动平台中,Android平台的应用范围最为广泛。在这样的背景下,本文旨在基于Android平台设计针对江苏省高速公路信息的查询移动GIS系统,提供地图服务和查询检索等功能。系统分为地图服务和功能实现两个子系统。地图服务系统提供地图数据,需要在ArcGIS桌面软件中对栅格图进行数字化工作,然后将得到的地图数据通过ArcGIS Server上传至ArcGIS Online作为在线地图服务。功能实现系统是查询系统的终端,其开发使用了Java语言在Eclipse集成开发环境下编写,并在其中加载了Android SDK、ADT、ArcGIS for Android等应用开发包和插件,实现地图显示、查询检索等功能。本文分析了研究的背景和意义,介绍了课题相关的技术原理,分析了系统的功能需求,对系统进行了原型设计,介绍了地图数字化、地图服务的发布、开发环境的搭建等工作,展示了功能实现的代码。本文将ArcGIS与移动终端结合,阐述了移动GIS开发的具体流程,设计的系统原型可以帮助相关开发人员进行软件的开发。

关键词:Android平台,Java,ArcGIS for Android,移动GIS,高速公路

The Design of the Query System of the Highway Network Based on Mobile GIS

Abstract: Along with the rapid development of our country's economy and modernization, the construction of the traffic network gradually improve. As people's travel volume increases, the demand for its spatial information also gradually increases. At the same time, the development of mobile communication technology contributes to the comprehensive popularization of mobile intelligent terminals. In many mobile platform, the range of application of the Android platform is the most widespread. Under this background, the purpose of this paper is to design a query system of Jiangsu province expressway information based on the Android platform and mobile GIS, which provides map services, query retrieval and other functions. The system is divided into two subsystems, which are the map service system and the function realization system. To achieve the map service system which provides the map data, we need to register and vector the raster data of Jiangsu province expressway network in ArcGIS desktop software, then upload map data to ArcGIS Online as an Online map service by using ArcGIS Server. The function implementation system is the terminal of the query system, and its development uses of Java language, the Eclipse integrated development environment, and the Android SDK, ADT, ArcGIS for Android application development kit and plug-in. The system inplements map display, query retrieval, and other functions. This paper analyzes the research background and significance, introduces related technology and principles, analyzes the functional requirements, design the prototype system, shows the digital map, map service issue and the construction of the development environment, and at last shows the code use to achieve the function. This paper combines ArcGIS and mobile terminals, expounds the the specific process of the development of mobile GIS. The designed system prototype can help developers develop software based on mobile GIS.

KEY WORDS: Android Platform, Java, ArcGIS For Android, Mobile GIS, Highway

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract. II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容及论文结构 4

第二章 相关技术原理介绍 6

2.1 Java语言 6

2.2 Android平台概述 9

第三章 江苏省高速公路查询移动GIS系统原型设计 17

3.1 系统需求分析 17

3.2 系统的总体设计 17

3.3 系统终端功能分析 19

3.4 系统实现流程 19

3.5 地图数字化过程 20

3.6 发布在线地图要素服务 21

3.7 搭建开发环境 21

第四章 部分功能实现代码展示 31

4.1 修改“main.xml”文件代码 31

4.2 地图的显示 32

4.3 地图相关属性的配置 33

4.4 地图的移动放大缩小及旋转 33

4.5 查询检索 34

4.6 定位功能 36

4.7 在线编辑 37

第五章 结论与展望 39

5.1 结论 39

5.2 展望 39

致 谢 40

参考文献 41

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义




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