
 2022-01-20 00:21:18


目 录

1 引言 3

2 研究区概况 4

3 资料与方法 5

3.1 资料来源 5

3.2 研究方法 5

4 结果与分析 6

4.1 沙尘暴灾害年际变化 6

4.1.1沙尘暴发生次数年际变化 6

4.1.2 强沙尘暴灾害年际变化 7

4.2 利用M-K法分析沙尘暴年际变化 10

4.3 影响强沙尘暴的气象因素分析 12

4.3.1 气象要素变化特征 12

4.3.2 气象要素变化对沙尘暴的影响 14

5 讨论与结论 15

参考文献 15

致谢 17




Abstract: Based on dust storm data and meteorological information data from Hotan, Xinjiang from 1954 to 2007, the characteristics of dust storms in Hotan, Xinjiang, and the impact of meteorological factors on the dust storms were analyzed. The results show that the frequency of dust storm disasters in Hotan is gradually decreasing, especially in the 1990s. . In the 50s and 60s of the last century, the average number of dust storms was 36 days per year. However, after 2000, it averaged only 10.8 times per year, a decrease of more than twice. The trend of strong sandstorm events is relatively unstable. The total number of occurrences of dust storms has gradually decreased from the 1950s to the 1970s (10 times). By the 1980s, strong sandstorms have soared, up to 18 times. Sandstorm incidents occur only four times. By the beginning of the 21st century, there was an upward trend again. It was not until seven times in 2007 that there had been seven times of strong sandstorm disasters, twice as many as in the 1990s. According to the distribution of strong sandstorm events in the month, it is concluded that spring is one of the most popular seasons for strong sandstorm disaster frequency, which is 50 times, of which April is the month with the highest occurrence of strong sandstorm disaster, which is 27 times. Since the 1990s, the frequency of sandstorm disasters has gradually declined, and the duration of strong sandstorm disasters has also shown a trend of gradual shortening, and the duration is generally less than the average value of the 1980s. During this period, the average temperature showed an upward trend, and the same average vapor pressure also showed an upward trend with a significant change. The maximum wind speed showed a significant decrease trend, and there was a slight change in the air pressure at this station, which was not obvious. The number of sandstorm disaster outbreaks is positively correlated with the annual average wind speed, that is, the greater the annual average wind speed, the more sandstorm disasters occur. The warm weather of climate and reduction of wind speed in the Hotan area are the main meteorological factors for the reduction of dust storms.

Keywords: number of occurrences; trend; meteorological element; sandstorm; HeTian.


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