目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 研究目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究进展 1
1.3 研究区域概况 1
2 研究数据处理与方法 2
2.1 遥感影像资料及处理 2
2.1.1 遥感数据选取 2
2.1.2 遥感数据预处理 2
2.2 SEBAL模型的水热通量估算方法 3
2.2.1 地表参数反演 4
2.2.2 净辐射通量(Rn)的计算 5
2.2.3 土壤热通量(G)的计算 5
2.2.4 显热通量(H)的计算 5
2.2.5 潜热通量(LE)的计算 8
3 结果与讨论 9
3.1 土地利用变化分析 9
3.2 地表参数变化分析 9
3.2.1 归一化植被指数(NDVI) 9
3.2.2 地表温度() 10
3.3 能量平衡各分量变化与分析 12
3.3.1 净辐射通量() 12
3.3.2 土壤热通量(G) 13
3.3.3 显热通量(H) 14
3.3.4 潜热通量(LE) 17
4 结论与展望 19
参考文献 19
致 谢 21
Abstract: The exchange of moisture and heat between the lake and the atmosphere has important implications for regional climate and hydrological processes. This paper makes use of years of Landsat TM/OLI remote sensing data to invert the water and heat flux of Lake Taihu based on the SEBAL model. The characteristics of spatio-temporal evolution of water and heat flux in different regions of Lake Taihu and their causes are analyzed. The following conclusions are obtained: 1) The area of urban land around Lake Taihu has increased significantly, and the urban land area of the northeastern shore has increased more than the West Bank. The surface temperature in the Lake Taihu region showed a significant upward trend. The temperature from high to low was: urban construction landgt; bare landgt; vegetationgt; water body. With the development of urbanization, the high-temperature area significantly expanded. 2) The energy exchange in Lake Taihu is dominated by latent heat. The latent heat flux is the largest in summer. The mean value of the lake surface is 474 W/m2. In winter, the mean value of the latent heat flux of the lake surface is 317 W/m2. 3) The sensible heat flux of Lake Taihu decreases from both sides of the lake to the center of the lake. Affected by urbanization, the high value area of sensible heat flux in the northeast coast of Lake Taihu expands. The latent heat flux of the Lake Taihu Center is generally greater than that of the lake bank, and there is a high-value area of latent heat flux in the lake areas adjacent to Suzhou and Wuxi.
Keywords: Taihu Lake; remote sensing; water and heat flux; SEBAL
地表水热通量的传统单点计算方法主要有波文比—能量平衡法、彭曼法、空气动力学方法(梯度法)以及涡度相关法等[2]。1926年Bowen[3]提出了波文比的概念,并在能量平衡方程的基础上将其引入了蒸散发的计算;1939年Thornthwatie 和Holzman[4]提出了空气动力学方法,根据近地面边界层相似理论,利用一定高度处的温度和观测湿度可以求得显热通量和蒸发量;1955年Swinbank提出了涡度相关法,利用涡度相关技术测量物理量脉动和风速脉动,从而计算显热通量和潜热通量,该方法具有理论假设少、精度高等优点,至今仍被广泛应用于水热通量的研究。
随着遥感技术的发展,越来越多的研究者将卫星遥感技术引入了地表水热通量的研究中。1977年,Jackson等利用热红外遥感资料估算地气温差,从而估算蒸发量;1989年Nemani等通过研究植被指数和地表温度的相关性,提出了两种计算蒸发量的方法;Bastiaanssen等[5]基于能量平衡法和空气动力学原理,建立了SEBAL模型。相较于传统方法,遥感方法在进行区域尺度的估算时具有传统方法无法替代的优越性。其中SEBAL模型所需地表观测数据较少,物理意义明确,得到了广泛的应用[6]。近年来国内将遥感技术应用于水热通量的研究也获得了长足的发展,如潘志强等[7]基于SEBAL模型利用ETM 数据研究了黄河三角洲的蒸散情况;乔平林等[8]通过研究石羊河流域的蒸散发情况,改进了大区域的遥感蒸散反演方法;詹志明等[9]利用SEBS模型进行了黄土高原的蒸散估算。