
 2022-07-07 22:27:09


摘 要



关键词:慎刑 明德慎罚 德主刑辅 借鉴


Cautious Punishment refers to the careful application of penalties for crimes, and prudent punishment. It is an important part of ancient Chinese legal culture. In ancient China, the system of Cautious Punishment was under the guidance of the thought of "Bright Virtue and Careful Punishment", and the effect of the strategy of administering the country by the "morality given priority over penalty" and the self-sufficient small peasant economy. Since the beginning of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Cautious Punishment has received the attention of successive rulers. During the Han Dynasties, it was initially developed. The Tang and Song Dynasties made it complete, and the Ming and Qing Dynasties consolidated and developed the Cautious Punishment. In the end, a long-standing and unique system of Cautious Punishment was formed. Under the guidance of this system, China has produced a number of world-renowned peace events, which have important values for ancient Chinese legal culture and social stability. Nowadays, with the reform and opening up, our country is increasing emphasis on the human rights and pays attention to people's own values. In ancient China, the system of Cautious Punishment is comprehensive and complete. It embodies the color and care of humanism, and has important influence and reference significance for modern justice.

This article will discuss the system of the ancient Chinese Cautious Punishment from five parts. The first part is to briefly introduce the basic meaning and purpose of the punishment. The second is to elaborate the development context and characteristics of the ancient Chinese Cautious Punishment. The third part analyzes the social roots of the ancient Chinese system of Cautious Punishment. The fourth is the historical analysis of the ancient Chinese caution system. The last part is to explore the modern significance of the Cautious Punishment.

Key words: Cautious Punishment, Bright Virtue and Careful Punishment, morality given priority over penalty, reference

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

绪 论 1

一、慎刑的含义及目的 1

(一)慎刑的含义 1

(二)慎刑的目的 2

1、规制刑罚 2

2、预防犯罪 2

3、保障司法公正 2

二、中国古代慎刑制度的发展脉络及特点 3

(一)西周时期慎刑制度的萌芽 3

(二)两汉至魏晋时期慎刑制度的形成和发展 4

(三)唐宋时期慎刑制度的完善 5

(四)明清时期慎刑制度的进一步巩固 6

三、中国古代慎刑制度产生的社会根源分析 7

(一)自给自足的小农经济 7

(二)德主刑辅的治国方略 8

(三)主张仁政的儒家思想 9

四、中国古代慎刑制度的历史评析 9

(一)对维护社会秩序发挥积极作用 9

1、有利于稳定社会秩序 10

2、有利于维护司法公平 10

3、有利于保障人文关怀 10

(二)具体运作机制方面的消极因素 10

1、主观性 10

2、随意性 11

3、与实践脱节 11

五、中国古代慎刑制度的现代借鉴意义 11

(一)当前中国慎刑制度相关规定 11

1、疑罪从无规则 11

2、罪刑相适应原则 11

3、体恤老幼等特殊群体 12

(二)对传统慎刑制度现代借鉴的重要性 12

结 论 13

参考文献 14

致 谢 15


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