摘 要
学 号:25012129
姓 名:马路遥
[关键词] 清末 法律移植 经验 反思
Research on legal transplantation in the late Qing Dynasty
China, as one of the four ancient civilizations, has numerous splendid ancient culture which has always been honored by its people. In the ancient culture, the dependent school of legal tradition also has a long history. But in modern times, with the influences of western culture and civilization, the Qing Dynasty had to carry out a series of reforms. Among the reforms, the legal system reform preside over by Shen Jiaben has a profound impact on future generations, which put an end to the Chinese legal system and opened the modernization of Chinese legal system, plays a role of connecting link between the preceding and the following. This reform not only perish the long history of the ancient Chinese legal system, but also an opportunity for the modernization process of the Chinese legal system. However, at that time in China, the pattern that the political system of the feudal autocratic monarchy, small-scale peasant economy dominated by the economy system and Confucian as the guidance of the traditional culture did not happen fundamentally change, therefore, there was no proper environment for foreign culture to develop. This advanced legal transportation movement began from a mistake then imprisoned, going astray, and finally inevitably appeared on the surface. The ups and downs of the modernization of Chinese legal system declared us that the modernization of China's legal system is bound closely with the modernization of politics and economy. Reexamine the reform in the past one hundred years ago has a profound reference impact on our modernization of legal system in the future.
[Key words] The late Qing Dynasty Legal transplantation Experience Introspection
目 录
论文摘要 I
Abstract II
前 言 1
一、清末法律移植的历史背景 1
(一)清末法律移植的国内因素 2
1.清末法律移植的政治背景 2
2.清末法律移植的经济背景 3
3.清末法律移植的思想文化背景 4
(二)清末法律移植的国外因素 5
1.列强入侵威胁清朝封建统治 5
2.治外法权的丧失 5
二、清末法律移植的过程 6
(一)清末法律移植的准备工作 6
1.创办法律法政学堂 6
2.派遣法科留学生去海外学习 6
3.翻译外国法律书籍 6
(二)清末法律移植的主要成果及其特点 7
1.主要立法成果 7
2.司法改革成果 8
3.清末法律移植的特点 9
三、清末法律移植的主要经验 10
(一)知己知彼、贯通中西的修律指导思想 10
(二)重视法律人才的培养及国内外优秀法学家的作用 11
(三)法律移植必须适应本土化发展 11
四、清末法律移植的历史反思 12
(一)清末法律移植对传统现实情况考量不足 12
(二)清末法律移植与当时的经济文化有某些脱节 12
(三)清末法律移植过程中急功近利倾向,致其没有达到预期效果 13
结语 13
参考文献 15
谢 辞 16