
 2022-10-31 10:58:47


摘 要






Research on Financial Risk Recognition and Warning Mechanism of Enterprise
-- Take East China Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.


China's pharmaceutical industry has distinct economic attributes and economic characteristics. While participating in economic construction, it also undertakes the important task of meeting people's needs. It is not only the core industrial field of the construction of an innovative country, but also a tremendous help to improve the overall economic structure, mediate its general framework and change the form of economic progress. In recent years, the growth of the pharmaceutical industry is changing rapidly. They have improved their abilities in the competition and are facing different kinds of crises. The most urgent thing is the financial hazards of enterprises. The Ramp;D of pharmaceutical industry has the characteristics of "high investment, long cycle and high risk", which has become the key to hinder the progress and development of pharmaceutical enterprises.

Along with the deepening of the reform of pharmaceutical enterprises'progress system, the position of pharmaceutical enterprises on the way to economic progress is becoming more and more important, and has become a new indicator of leading economic progress. For private pharmaceutical enterprises, there are some difficulties in research and development of new drugs, financing and technology content. In terms of private enterprise growth, the biggest demand is capital. Normally, enterprises can solve financing problems through bank loans. However, because banks restrict private enterprises'lending, for example, banks require them to supply mortgages or some guarantees to make loans, and some enterprises themselves are similar to the financial cost burden, the existence of these problems will increase the financial crisis of pharmaceutical enterprises to a certain extent.

Established in 1993, East China Pharmaceutical Company (East China Pharmaceutical) is a large-scale comprehensive pharmaceutical listed company, which mainly produces and sells antibiotics, Chinese patent medicines, synthetic medicines, genetically engineered medicines, or Chinese and Western medicines, Chinese herbal medicines, medical devices and so on. It is a large-scale integrated pharmaceutical company that integrates pharmaceutical research and development, separate sales, retail and pharmaceutical logistics. In the rapid growth of more than 20 years, due to poor management, financial crisis inevitably appears, which will have a certain impact on the sustainable development of East China Medical Land.

Taking East China Pharmaceutical as a case study, this paper finds out some financial risks faced by East China Pharmaceutical after sorting out its report data from 2013 to 2017, and studies its financial risk identification and early warning mechanism by means of data and access to information. It finds that East China Pharmaceutical faces financial risks in financing, fund operation and internal investment, but in terms of early warning mechanism. There are some defects in design and operation. In view of these shortcomings, I put forward the optimization scheme from the financial environment, financial risk identification, financial risk response and early warning mechanism system of East China Pharmaceutical, and provide some preventive suggestions from the management level and business execution angle of the enterprise in order to effectively prevent.

Key words: financial risk ;identification of early warning mechanism research;pharmaceutical enterprises


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究目的 1

1.2文献综述 2

1.2.1国外研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 3

1.2.3文献述评 5

1.3研究思路(全文框架) 5

1.4研究方式 6

1.4.1文献研究法 6

1.4.2案例分析法 7

1.4.3定量分析法 7

1.4.4比较分析法 7

1.5本文的创新点与不足 7

第二章 企业财务风险相关概念 8

2.1 财务风险的概念 8

2.2 财务风险的特征 9

2.3财务风险的类型 10

2.4企业财务风险的识别方法 11

2.4.1定量分析法 11

2.4.2定性分析法 14

第三章 企业财务预警机制相关概念 15

3.1企业财务预警机制概念 15

3.2预警机制的研究 15

3.2.1财务风险预警的组织机构 15

3.3目前企业财务预警机制的建立 16

3.3.1现金流量预警(指标选取及警限设置) 16

3.3.2财务战略预警(指标选取及警限设置) 17

3.3.3成长能力预警(指标选取及警限设置) 18

3.4预警结果的检测及相关解决对策 19

第四章 华东医药股份有限公司(简称“华东医药”)案例 20

4.1 华东医药基本情况 20

4.1.1公司简介 20

4.1.2公司组织结构 20


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