
 2022-12-17 14:06:18


摘 要





An analysis of value creation in M amp; A: A CASE STUDY OF COSTA VALUE CREATION IN COCA-COLA M amp; A


In the 21st century, with the rapid development of social productive forces, social division of labor gradually refined. In the Contemporary World Economic System, where the international and domestic markets are gradually becoming saturated, most enterprises seek a breakthrough in the fields they are involved in in in order to enhance their self-assessment value, more Enterprises Take M amp; A and acquire the market, in order to form a broader and developing enterprise industrial structure and industrial chain supply chain, so as to obtain more profits and more returns. In the M amp; A of enterprises, the value creation often occupies the mainstream, and the value promotion and creation are very analyzable. This paper aims to study the PROBLEM OF VALUE CREATION IN M amp; A of enterprises, and to analyze the case of coca-cola merging Costa, by analyzing the process of M amp; A, THE MOTIVATION OF M amp; A and the risk factors in the process of M amp; A, the concrete performance of value creation is obtained, the economic capacity of the promotion of the case from the acquisition of specific value-creating performance. Through the research, this paper specifically analyzes the performance of specific value creation in M amp; A, and draws a conclusion from its synergy effect and performance, finally, some suggestions on the future M amp; A and the development of coca-cola Company are put forward.

Key Factors: M amp; A; Value Creation; synergy; coca-cola; Costa Coffee

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究内容、技术路线及方法 2

1.3.1研究内容 2

1.3.3技术路线 4

1.4国内外研究现状 5

第二章 企业并购价值创造理论基础 8

2.1 企业并购理论 8

2.1.1并购相关的基本概念界定 8

2.1.2并购基本流程 8

2.2企业并购的动因理论 9

2. 3企业并购价值创造理论 9

2.3.1企业并购的协同效应理论 10财务协同效应 10管理协同效应 11经营协同效应 12无形资产协同效应 12

第三章 并购存在的问题及影响因素分析 13

3.1企业并购现状 13

3.2企业并购中存在的问题 13

3.3并购影响因素和风险 14

3.3.1宏观层面的影响因素 14

3.3.2企业自身观层面的形象因素 14

3.3.3微观层面对企业并购绩效的影响 15

第四章 可口可乐公司并购风险问题 16

4.1可口可乐公司SWOT分析 16

4.2可口可乐并购中的风险 17

4.2.1宏观层面风险 17

4.2.2可口可乐并购中观企业风险 17

4.2.3可口可乐并购微观风险因素 18

第五章 可口可乐公司并购价值创造分析 19

5.1并购价值创造的效应体现 19

5.1.1 经营协同效应 19

5.1.2财务协同效应 19

5.1.3管理协同效应 20

5.1.4无形资产协同效应 21

5.2并购价值创造的增值表现 21

5.2.1盈利能力分析 22

5.2.2营运能力分析 23

5.2.3偿债能力分析 25

5.2.4成长能力分析 26

5.3研究结论及建议 27

结论 29

参考文献 30

致谢 31

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

企业并购(Mergers and Acquisitions, Mamp;A)根据字面意思可以解释为并购和兼并两部分。企业间的并购行为是企业运营的一种重要方式和资本积累开拓市场的有效途径。


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