摘 要
风险与机遇并存,企业的发展过程中往往会面临多次尝试,不可避免地给企业带来财务风险。因此,有效的预警和财务风险防范对企业至关重要。Fitzpatrick是研究公司财务风险预警的第一位外国学者,他提出了单变量预警模型,为未来的研究奠定了理论基础。 随后,Altman对1946年至1965年破产的33家公司进行了研究,并对33家资产规模相同的成功公司进行了研究,它们对应于多元线性函数方程Z评分模型。中小企业是社会和经济发展中的重要经济力量。但是,由于普遍存在的金融体系不健全,会计核算随意以及经营者之间财务风险意识薄弱的问题,中小企业将不可避免地承受巨大的财务风险压力,随时可能发生金融危机甚至破产、破产。企业的财务风险不仅影响企业的声誉和发展,而且在一定程度上损害了整个国家的经济状况,阻碍了国家的发展。因此,提供预警和预防公司财务风险尤为重要。
An Empirical Study on Financial Risk Early Warning System of Small And Medium-sized Enterprises
Risks and opportunities coexist,and enterprises often face multiple attempts in the development process,which inevitably leads to financial risks.Therefore,effective financial risk warning and prevention for an enterprise appears to be crucial.Fitzpatrick,a foreign scholar who was the first to study the early warning of enterprise financial risk,put forward the single variable early warning model,which laid a theoretical foundation for the future research.Later, Altman studied 33 companies and 33 successful companies of the same asset size who filed for bankruptcy during 1946-1965, and fitted a multivariate linear function equation, the Z-score model.SMEs are an important force in economic and economic development.However,due to the unsound financial system of small and medium-sized enterprises in China,large accounting arbitrariness,weak awareness of financial risk among business operators and other problems,small and medium-sized enterprises inevitably bear huge financial risk pressure,and financial crisis or even bankruptcy may occur at any time.Financial risks not only improve the reputation and development of the company, but they also compromise the economic situation of the whole country and impede the country's development.Therefore,it is particularly important to forewarn and guard against financial risks of enterprises.
Based on the above research, this article will examine the current state of research at home and abroad, the theoretical and research methods for risk warning for SMEs and the general financial status of Anhua Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. and will choose the Model Z to warn about financial risks. , Calculate the critical value of the Z value, conclude that the company has some type of risk warning and provide preventive measures
Keyword:Financial risk;Financial early warning;Small and medium-sized enterprise
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 1
1.2 研究内容和内容框架 1
1.2.1研究内容 1
1.2.2内容框架 1
1.3 研究方法与思路 3
1.3.1研究方法 3
1.3.2研究思路 3
1.4 国内外研究现状 4
1.4.1国外文献综述 4
1.4.2国内文献综述 4
第二章 中小企业财务风险预警概念界定以及相关理论 6
2.1 相关概念界定 6
2.1.1中小企业 6
2.1.2财务风险 6
2.1.3财务风险预警 7
2.2 基础理论分析 8
2.2.1企业生命周期理论 8
2.2.2财务风险基本理论 8
2.2.3财务风险预警理论分析 9
第三章 我国中小企业财务风险具体表现及原因分析 10
3.1 中小企业财务风险具体表现 10
3.2 中小企业财务风险成因分析 10
第四章 财务风险预警的构建和执行 12
4.1 财务风险预警指标体系构建 12
4.1.1偿债能力 12
4.1.2营运能力 12
4.1.3获利能力 12
4.1.4发展能力 13
4.2 财务风险预警流程 13
4.2.1步骤 13
4.2.2图示 13
4.3 财务风险预警方法分析 14
4.3.1定性分析 14
4.3.2定量分析 15
第五章 案例分析—安华机电设备有限公司 18
5.1 企业概况 18
5.2 财务分析和预警分析 18
5.2.1财务分析 18
5.2.2预警分析 23
5.2.3企业财务风险预警需要的保障措施 25
5.2.4防范措施分析 25
5.3 结论 25
参考文献(References) 27
致 谢 28